New Year’s Resolution 2023

Happy New Year!

The new year is here! 2023! What’s your New Year’s resolution? Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

I usually make one, unfortunately they usually end up very short lived.

This year, for a change, I’ve written them down and am reading them everyday.

I am very determined to follow through with my resolutions and goals for the new year.

I have been trying to make money on line with affiliate marketing for a couple of years with very limited success, but that’s going to change in the new year.  Wealthy Affiliate is My Destiny

I am going to put my destiny in the hands of Wealthy Affiliate, that is my New Year’s Resolution!

I had initially joined WA a couple of years ago. Looked into it for a couple of days and did not go back or get active in the course. I guess I was looking for a quick fix and not have to put in very much work.

After chasing my tail for a while and trying many different inexpensive programs, which were always lacking some key information, I came across Wealthy Affiliate again.  After studying it for a couple of hours, I decided this was the place to be.

Premium Membership

I joined premium and am so happy that I did.

My problem is my computer skills are not as good as I would like and I find it hard to ask for help (and there is plenty of help at WA). Just ask the question and there will be an answer soon. No question is stupid or irrelevant Someone will take the time to help you out.

So I’m learning to ask and get the help that I need.

My goals are set and I will be working on them for the new year. Hopefully I will succeed and I can tell you about my success in the near future.

Jump start your chances to earn money on line

Have you been trying to make money on line? Are you doing affiliate marketing?chart of WA

What’s your new year’s resolution? Do you have one or are they not important to you.

Even if you do not have resolutions planned you should set goals and write them down.

If you write your goals down you are much more likely to achieve what you want to accomplish than if you don’t write them down.

If  you interested or working on affiliate marketing, what are your strengths and your more difficult areas?

Are you earning money and do you feel you are successful?

If you have not been successful up to this point, I would like to help you.

Have you heard of Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is the best training available online to learn how to make money and build a long-lasting business.

No credit card required.

This is what you get for $0 Investmentpyramid of affiliate marketing

•Personal Help & Support •Ability to get personal help from me (Username: Kyle)
•Help within a community of 10,000’s of users
•Live Chat support
•Ongoing topical discussions

•2 Free Websites •Fully functional WordPress Sites
•Ready to make money online Training Galore •Video Classes
•Entire Classrooms

It’s the only program where you can take classes and learn the ropes without having to put money upfront.

Two free websites are available  with the help you need to set them up.

Then as you gain more knowledge and want more advanced training, you can sigh up for their premium training.

You can learn at your own speed 1-2 hours a day or 5-6 hours a day.

There is a wealth of help with this course and no question is too silly or stupid.

Wealthy Affiliate has thousands of members to guide you through the problems you may encounter.

All the training is set up to take you by the hand and carry you all the way though until you have an established business up and running.

So read my Wealthy Affiliate review and you will understand what I mean.

If you enjoyed my information, please leave a comment or question below. I would love to hear from you.wa logo

Thank you,




8 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolution 2023”

  1. hi. wealthy affiliate is for sure one of the best designed programs I have come across,

    I have learnt so much from these tutorials, i highly recommend using the resources and then going premium. it seems like a great opportunity. Are you earning money yet from this? are you just starting out?

  2. Hi Deanna,

    My New Years Resolution for 2016 is to become a pescatarian, and so far so good! Even though it is driving my family a little nuts at the moment.

    I too am part of Wealthy Affiliate and I can’t speak anything but fondly about it.

    Thanks for taking the time to share WA with other people that might be interested. If you work at it it can definitely change your life, even if it does take time.

    All the best,


    • Thanks for the comments. Yes it does take time, the key is to stay focused and be don’t get discouraged. Success to you in you future endeavors and with WA. Deanna

  3. Hi Deanna. Happy New Year! Hope you had a great New Year’s Eve celebration on the last day of 2015!

    Talk about short lived, I know how it feels like that the resolution is not happening. Isn’t fulfilled. It’s about determination and the huge strength of mentality.

    I am anticipated to know how you’re doing and your achievement in 2016! Wish you the very best! To a great year ahead!

  4. Hi Deanna. Happy New Year! Hope you had a great New Year’s Eve celebration on the last day of 2015!

    Talk about short lived, I know how it feels like that the resolution is not happening. Isn’t fulfilled. It’s about determination and the huge strength of mentality.

    I am anticipated to know how you’re doing and your achievement in 2016! Wish you the very best! To a great year ahead!

  5. It is good to get involved in online business because the oppertunity is just so great, wealthy affiliate has the best business model in the world and the good thing is that anyone can be a part of it. Wealthy affiliate is a good investement, the start up is small but the investement pays of big time. Thanks for sharing all the best to you have a good day.

    • Thank you Norman for your comments. There is really nothing like WA and I have searched for a long time. Good luck to you in the future, Deanna


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