How To Make Money with A Cooking Blog.

Do you like to cook or bake?

In this article I’m going to show you how to make money with a cooking blog.

If you are talented in the kitchen and like to cook or bake or both, put that talent to good use and create  a cooking blog.

You can make money online showing your recipes and a picture of your finished dishes. What could be more appealing and fun.

Many young families are getting away from fast food, take-out and pre-processed meals. They are looking for easy, quick and healthy meals to serve at home at the dinner table.

Just think how much fun it would be to make dishes, take pictures of them  and have them posted on the internet.

Also, film when you do the cooking process and you can post it on YouTube and that’s another way earning income.

You will have to make sure all your recipes are documented correctly with the proper measurements, correct oven temps, etc. But with a little research that is easily done.

Come up with an idea for a domain name which is short and sweet. No hyphens or numbers.salamon dinner Something related to the type of cooking or baking you are going to feature.

It could be crockpot cooking, New Orleans favorites, quick meals, old  time favorites, comfort food, southern cooking All Italian, whatever is your favorite type. It’s better to work with something you enjoy, you will be better at it in the long run. Search Google and you can get ideas there. Also, check out the cooking blogs on Google. You will be amazed and inspired.

After you have a name, go to Wordcheap and purchase your domain. Wordcheap will walk you through this. Just make sure it’s a .com domain.

Next set up a website or blog. Today it’s very easy to get a website setup. No code, very easy. My recommendation would be to join Wealthy Affiliate. I have a link below They will have a website up and running for you is a very short time. Check this video out.





Then sign up to word press and find a theme for recipe semantic markup. Much easier to design a site with this type of format. Also this theme will help with rankings.

Where’s the money?

So now you are wondering, where’s the money?

With each recipe you write about and share on each post that you write you can go on Amazon and find a pot, pan, serving dish or utensil that is needed to prepare this particular dish or dessert. Like a spring-form pan for a cheesecake recipe, a beautiful casserole pan for lasagna or a kitchen-aid mixer for a cake. How about a blender or a food processer for different chores you will be using on your website. Endless opportunities are available with a little imagination.

Sign up to Amazon as an Amazon Associate and you are all set to go.

You put Amazon links on your site and if someone clicks your link and goes to that product on Amazon and purchases that product you will get a commission. Go to Amazon and read the information there about being an associate to help you get your site set up right and that you operate the correct way.

Opportunitiespots and pans  


I read somewhere of a cooking blog that made 3 million dollars a year. But, this blog gets a lot of publicity. The opportunities are endless. You can invite others to send in recipes or develop a personalized cookbook that you can share with others.

This could be a very successful venture if you work hard at it. Many people are making a lot of money with websites and blogs. I personally know of some that are doing very well.

It’s a great way to supplement your income and could eventually become your main income. Just think, working at home, setting your own hours and doing something you love. What better way to earn a living. No commuting and no boss.

You can read some of my other posts to  familiarize yourself on how to create  a blog or website or read my review of Wealthy Affiliate. At Wealthy Affiliate they take you by the hand and teach you all you need to know about getting a blog or site up and running and getting rankings. And you don’t need a credit card, it’s free to join.

If you enjoyed this article, please leave a comment or question below. I would appreciate it and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank-you, Deanna



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