Earn Money On Vacation- Yes You Can!

photo of vegas at night

Wouldn’t it be nice to earn money on vacation? Well,  there is a strong possibility that you can. From the beach or the mountains, anywhere you want to go. Las Vegas anyone?

Have you ever heard of internet marketing? Internet marketing gives you the ability to work anywhere you have an internet connection. All you need is your computer and access to the internet and you are in business. Maybe it isn’t quite that simple, but it takes very little money to get started. It does take determination and dedication to success. It’s not for the faint of heart or someone who is not willing to work hard.

As more and more people do all their shopping on line there is a greater opportunity for all of us to get a little piece of the pie.

First you have to understand what internet marketing or more specifically what affiliate marketing is. This is the system I’m most familiar with. If you haven’t heard of affiliate marketing I will try to explain the basics here.

What you do is promote products for someone else. Like Amazon, Clickbank and many other sites. Your  main objective is to help people to find something helpful to their needs or to solve a problem for them.

You need 3 things to build a successful online business.

1. Your own website.

Gone are the days when you could write a 1 page sales pitch and make money. You definitely need your own site. Now it is very easy to get and set up a website. It can be done is less than an hour.

2. Help getting started.

Now,  there is help getting started and it’s free.

If you are like me, when you can’t figure something out you get discouraged. Well not anymore, there is plenty of free help around and it’s from very knowledgeable individuals who are very willing to give you a hand.

3. Determination

You have to have the mind-set to work hard and work thru all the lessons and following up with the tasks afterwards. You must be thorough. Don’t think you can make money with the one click methods. Those are just pie in the sky sales pitches. Also called the “shiny object syndrome” which is usually just a scam to get as much money from you as they can. Trust me I fell for a couple of these programs when I first started in affiliate marketing. Not good!

You set up a website and write articles about a specific product and give your visitors an honest view of that particular product. Don’t think you can’t write. When I first started I was very slow. but have improved over time. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. You will improve the more you write.

Don’t know where to start? The training I am going to show you will make it so easy for you, you will be amazed.

It’s not difficult, but it does take time and a lot of writing of posts.

You can do reviews or articles about the product. It can be any type of product from cookware to a product to cure a health problem. The most important thing is you are helping people solve a problem or problems.

What interests do you have?

If you have a hobby or an interest in something like skiing, football, gardening, knitting, just about any topic that you have an interest in, there is something you can promote. This is called a niche. The more specific the better.

What about our furry friends. Do you have an interest in dogs or cats? Those are great to write about. What type of food, dishes, toys, grooming products, the list is endless.

The most important thing to remember is you are wanting to help people solve a problem. You are there to help solve a problem.

What if you are very knowledgeable about juicing, you can tell people the many different ways to juice, with a blender or with a specific type juicer, you could discuss some of the different recipes you used and the pros and cons about those recipes. Which juicer is better for their needs and all the pros and cons about it.

If you were a snow skier, some of the things you did to improve your style and prevent falling or ways to keep warm.skier

You could also recommend different types of equipment and the best type of affordable clothing. Also if you have skied in many different parts of the country you could write about the pros and cons of different resorts. Your choices are endless.

But make sure it is a topic that interests you so your posts or articles are enjoyable and informative to read. Your objective is to help and inform your readers so they can make smart decisions.

So that is a brief overview of affiliate marketing where you can earn money on vacation or anywhere.

If this tempting to you, check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate and learn more of what it takes to get started. NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED. You can join for free and be a free member as long as you want.

The possibilities are endless for what is available to you. So, check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate and see what it has to offer. I’m sure it will be very interesting to you. especially if you need some extra income or just need some way to earn extra income if you lost your job during the pandemic. Many people did, which is very unfortunate.

Just think being able to work from home, no traveling to and from work, no boss, no childcare.  The benefits are many. Plus, this is the best place to be to learn affiliate marketing and it’s free to get started.

So check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate. You will be pleasantly surprised at what it has to offer. Plus, no credit card  or wallet needed.

If you are interested in getting started in affiliate marketing, please leave a comment below and I will be glad to help you get started. What do you have to lose? Thanks, Deanna


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