How To Build A Website From Scratch

website under construction

Building a website

Do you need a website?

Whether you need to build a website for your business or for yourself, it is much easier to do today than in the past.

Don’t pay to have someone build a website for you, it’s not necessary. Have you checked out having a website built for you? It can get very expensive and today, that’s not necessary. There are many free options available that are absolutely free.

Today there are platforms available that make it possible for even someone that has very few computer skills ( like me) to build a site.

You can quite easily create a professional site with some patience and perseverance.

There are many different platforms to build your site on. Some are free, but be careful some of these free  sites will close you down for no apparent reason, and all your hard work will be down the drain because you don’t own the site.

 Free sites
network solutions
Build your site

Years ago it was very difficult to build a site. You needed to use CSS, HTML or Flash and know how to do coding.

Today with the better platforms available, almost anyone can build a website that is professional looking and easy to navigate.

Content management systems are dominating the industry. They are very easy to use and very reliable.

The three most popular ones are:

WordPress is #1 

Drupal is #2 

Joomla is #3 

I think the best  CMS to start with is WordPress. It’s used by many major companies

It is very reliable and easy to use and free. It has over 1,400 theme and tons of support in the system and it’s user friendly.

How to find a domain name 

You need to pick a domain name next. This can be a little tricky.

Write down the name of your business, or the online business you plan to start. Remember the simpler the better. It needs to be easy to remember and try for a dot com, but if that is unavailable try for dot net or dot org.

If your domain is for your business than use your company name,

If your website is for yourself then is fine.

Is it easy to remember? Don’t make it too long, that will make it hard to remember.

Make it memorable.

Is it catchy? Finding a catchy name is hard, because so many good names have been taken.

Just don’t use a brand name, that is illegal. And don’t use a name that is hard to spell.

Now to setting up your WordPress website.

First install WordPress with one-click installation. You will receive all your information from your host site in an email.

Most well established hosting companies have 1 step install with WordPress.

#1. Log into hosting account

#2 Go to control panel or cpanel

#3Look for WordPress icon or Fantanistco

#4 Pick the domain you want to install and click the Install now button.

You should now have access to your wordpress account.

#5 Now you will have to pick a theme for your site.

A theme is the structure of your website. How it looks. Choose a theme that is simple and easy to read.

It need to fit what you want your site to look like. Research the themes and find one that suits you, but if you are not satisfied with your theme, you can change it at any time. There are many themes available for free, but if you can’t find one that you like, there are themes for purchase online.

Some popular theme sites are,



You can check these sites out if you can’t find a free theme that you like.

But, remember you can change your theme later on, it’s not carved is stone.

Picking a theme, creating a logo and byline and adding content will have you well on your way to creating an on line business.

Next create new pages.

Pages are at the top of your website, such as Welcome, About me, Privacy Policy, Contact me. Pages are headings.

Post are articles that you use to write about what you want to share with your readers.

Then add content by going to posts and creating articles you want to share with everyone.

The most important thing to remember is you want to help and inform your readers about different things that are part of your niche.

That is an overview of How to build a website.

The easier way to build a website

If this all seems to complicated head over to Wealthy for a free starter course.

They offer 2 FREE websites and will have you up and running in no time.

If you want to start your own online business, the timing can not be better. More people are shopping online than ever before. Plus, due to the covid virus, it’s smart to shop online. So starting a blog would be the best place to start.

So I strongly recommend you check out this review.

They have all of this available.

  • Getting Started Training (the process is very simple!)
  • Tutorial training
  • Video training
  • Classroom training and Courses
  • 100,000’s of HELPFUL community members
  • 13+ Full, Interactive Classrooms
  • Live & Interactive Help (even at 2am in the morning!)
  • 2 Free, Beautifully Designed Websites
  • State of the Art Secure and Fast Hosting
  • Access to Industry Experts & Millionaires
  • A strict spam free environment.
  • Completely FREE to Get Started!
  • So don’t wait, if you have been waiting to build a website, now is the time to get started and it’s never been easier.
  • Plus, blogging is a lot of fun.

Check out my Review of Wealthy Affiliate HERE. This training can show you the way. And it’s free to get started and no hidden costs.

Think how great it would be to work from home. No commuting or traffic to deal with, expenses for clothes, lunches or gas. Earn money in the comfort of your living room and make money while you sleep. It can be done. You just need the right training to get started and the will to do Hope this article was helpful. It was nice meeting you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible and thanks for stopping by, Deanna

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2 thoughts on “How To Build A Website From Scratch”

  1. Your article, although several years old, is really up to date! Did you recently update it? Everything is spot on. Wealthy Affiliate and WordPress are the best programs I’ve come across in my rather long life. The support is amazing, and I won’t stick with any online platform or program that doesn’t offer stellar support. Your instructions are great, as well. Are you a full-time consultant? If not, you could be! It would have been nice having you around when I made my first few websites. Keep up the good work!

    • Hi, Cathy,Thank you for all the nice comments. No, I’m not a consultant, just a thankful member of WA. Love this platform. I’m pleased that my instructions were helpful, look forward to success on WA, as we all do. Thanks, again, Deanna


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