Avoiding Affiliate Marketing Scams


Get rich working from home

In this article I’ll explain to you how to get rich working from home, the authentic way. No SCAMS!

All of us have seen  the ads on the internet about working from home. You don’t have to pay a baby sitter, no expense for gas traveling to and from a job. Work at home and earn more money than you ever dreamed possible with just the click of a button. That is what you hear from all the internet “gurus”. But, unfortunately  a come on like that is usually just a scam. Sign up for a few dollars and you can get rich. But, it doesn’t work that way. After you sign up they need more money to get the super, duper upsell. A few thousand later you find out that the program does not work the way they stated and you are out all that money. That’s why affiliate marketing has gotten such a bad name. So how do  you avoid the affiliate marketing scams.


If the program being offered sounds to good to be true, it probably is!

Someone is trying to sell you some software which might work, but not as efficiently as they claim.

Unfortunately, the online marketing niche is riddled with scam artists. For every legitimate program there is, there are at least 60 that are scams. Some of the red flags to look for are number one is their sales page only 1 page with a video. There’s not much depth there. Have you found out how to contact the company?

If you can’t contact them how are you going to get support. Are they offering a long time guarantee, it is probably a very poor quality product.

Do they start out with a high price tag and when you don’t bite do they keep lowering the price. Eventually can you buy the product very cheap? If so, be leery, it’s probably bogus.

Once they get you hooked, then they start trying to get you to buy upsells costing into the hundreds of dollars.

Can you try the product for free for a limited time? If not it’s probably an inferior product that can’t help you learn affiliate marketing. If it were a legitimate product they would be willing to let you sign-up for a period of time for a test run.

Fantasy World 

While searching on line for information, if the site you are checking out brings you to a video showing a mansion, fancy cars and swimming pools and exotic vacations and don’t forget the boat and airplane!  

That should send you running right away. That’s not how the real world  works.

Red Flags

Promises of money with just the click of a button, without any ” hard work”.red flag

*Videos of the promoter living in grand homes and driving sports cars costing 100’s of thousands of dollars.

*Screenshots of Clickbank or other affiliate programs of large commissions being earned.

*Offers that just seem very easy to implement. Don’t fall for it, it just ain’t true.

Affiliate marketing take time and hard work. Yes, you can make money, a lot of money, but, not without a lot of hard work and a strong desire to help people.

That is the name of the game, helping people, and the money will follow. Just remember that, it’s very important.

From my heart

I can speak from my heart. I got caught up in a couple of scams like those.

Fortunately, my husband didn’t want me to buy anything unless I researched it very well.

But I did get taken for a seminar for three days for $1,000.

For 3 days, in the morning, they showed us all kinds of information about earning money with affiliate marketing. In the afternoons we were pitched to about buying a better program to the tune of $9,000  up to $36,000!

People were leaving their life savings with these SCAMMERS.

I didn’t have that kind of money to spend, not that I would have. But there were many people in that room that parted with a lot of money.

I have always wondered how they made out.

For over  a year that same company  kept contacting me by phone to get  me to sign up for the next big

program. For at least a year they kept trying to contacting me.

Since then I have purchased a few inexpensive courses.  I was working on one of them when all of a sudden I was  not able to access it any more. They had closed their website down. Fortunately I had studied it enough to know how to get a website set up.

But I had paid for the course so I thought it was mine.  More money down the drain.

Be careful

Research everything you are interested in purchasing. There are a lot of good sites about scams and a lot of good review sites to help you differentiate between what will work for you and what to stay away from.

Make sure they have a return policy in case after a few weeks you don’t feel it’s right for you. Don’t be afraid to return a product, I have a couple of times and I never had a problem with Paypal. Always got a refund without question. Also, Clickbank is very good about refunds.

If you want some advice check out Wealthy Affiliate. It is the #1 training for affiliate marketing. Not a scam. It takes you by the hand and show you all there is to  know about getting started in this world of affiliate marketing.

Sick of your job, the long commute paying childcare or just need a change. Maybe this is for you. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It is not easy. It’s not hard to do, but it does take a lot of time and determination,  especially if you are not a whiz with a computer. But, it is possible and a lot of fun, plus, the rewards are great. Just think earning money from home, working in your pajamas, no traffic, and no BOSS. It is possible.

Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. But, if you are looking for help getting started my advice to you would be to read this review. It will give you all the in depth training for affiliate marketing and the best part is that joining is free. Two million members can’t be wrong. No credit card needed. Click here to read my review.

Thanks for reading this article. I would appreciate any comments and I will get back to you soon and good luck. Deanna

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