Best Online Work From Home Jobs-What is good for you?

  Need to work from home due to family responsibilities?

Well, I’m going to give you a list of jobs available to you that can be done from the comfort of your home.

Here are some of  the best online work from home jobs that I found.. See what will work for you.

If you are go-getter and can self-motivate, working from home could be for you. In this article I am going to give you some ideas of what types of online work is available. Maybe some you never thought of…

Work from home jobs are becoming more popular, in fact 115% more popular than a few years ago, according to a recent study.  Plus, with Covid 19 it has become almost a necessity to work from home. The benefits are substantial and the downside is minor.

Plus, the savings are substantial. You save on commuting costs, less money spent eating out, and less money spent on clothes for work and in some cases no daycare costs. Plus, think about not having to deal with traffic every day.
Thanks to the internet and newer technology, there are many opportunities  available today that were not available a short time ago. There are many jobs that can be preformed in the comfort of your home. So let’s check them out:

This  is a new one for me:chart of WA

Facebook Ad Job

How many local businesses in your area are not taking advantage of Facebook advertising. Many have a Facebook Page, but not using it to attract more customers. Local businesses, jewelry stores, restaurants, law offices, chiropractic offices, dentists,  hair salons, spas, just to name a few. Most are not taking advantage of Facebook advertising.

It’s very easy to learn and you could be up and running in a month, running their ads. No prior experience is needed and the usual charge is $1,000-$2000 per month per client.

There are courses available on line to learn the basic and advance ad training. One is FB Side Hustle.

1. Creative Writing

If you are good at writing, look into Fivver, Elance, Hirewriter, Iwriter,  and others for doing different types of writing projects. If you enjoy writing this could be a fun job for you.

2. Medical Billing

Make sure you have all the certification necessary to get started. Make a list of all the doctors in your area and contact them.

Then go in and talk to them and find out what they are looking for and how much they are willing to pay. But never pay anyone to work for them.

3. Selling on Ebay and Craigs List

Furniture and large items are easier to sell on Craigs List and clothing and collectibles  work better on Ebay.  Craiglist does not have fees and no shipping charges.

Ebay, you have to open up an account first and then check out their rules and regulations to make sure you comply. But, it can be quite profitable. Especially if you are trying to downsize.

4. Customer Service Representive

Many companies hire Customer Service Representive or you can work as an independent contractor. If you work for the company directly you could receive benefits. For  most companies you will need to keep set hours and have a quiet environment, but the pay can be very good.

5. Tech Support Provider

Technical support agents are availabe to help customers solve problems. The difference is that tech support providers answer technical questions meaning you must be well-versed in computers, and their operating systems, and electronics overall. The hours for this type of job can be flexible and the pay decent. However,usually you must pay for your own equipment.

6. Affiliate Marketingpyramid of affiliate marketing

Getting started as an affiliate marketer is a little more involved then many of the so called “gurus” would lead you to believe, but it can be done and is very rewarding.

You should start out in an area or niche that you know something about. Either career related,  a hobby or passion.

If you are serious about pursuing affiliate marketing, my recommendation is to read my review of Wealthy  Affiliate and sign up for their free membership.

They will help, just go to Wealthy Affiliate, sign up for their free course and you will be on track to getting your own business up and running.

Step 1: Start Building Your Website for zero $$ at
Step 2: Create a completely  free account
Step 3: You get 1 free websites and all the training necessary to get up and running.

And just like that, you are going to have your very own, fully functional WordPress website up and running. Or as some people refer to it as a blog.

Then you find products or digital products to promote thru a website, some are free or you can do  email marketing to promote different products. The sky’s the limit.

There is a learning curve and it’s not always easy, but it can be very rewarding once you get started. But a word of warning, don’t try to do it alone. There are many steps to make this successful so definitely rely on the help from Wealthy Affiliate. They make is very simple to understand and guide you all the way to the bank. Plus, the cost is not prohibitive.

7. Data Entry  Worker

Someone who has the skills to transfer document from paper into computer for better filing. Should be able to concentrate for long periods of time.

8. Document Translator

Must be fluent in at least 2 languages. Many businesses do international transactions and need someone to translate for them, sounds very interesting.

9. Online Tutor

You will need to be very knowledgeable in the subject you want to tutor. Basically, you are a teacher. Online learning could reach $240 billion by 2023. And now even more so due to the Corvid virus.  So, cash in now, if you have the skills. Check out Skillshare and Udemy for more information.

Patience and good communication skills are important, plus, there is good flexibility in your schedule.

Probably much easier than being in a classroom.

10. Selling Amazon Products

A fun way to earn money is with Amazon.

Set up an associate’s account with Amazon and find a product you are interested in, own, or want to own.

Create a simple website promoting and discussing the product. Look at my article on Build a website for help.

Have some affiliate links from that product on Amazon.

If someone clicks your Amazon link and goes to Amazon. and purchases your product you will receive a commission.

Plus, if they buy anything else in the 24 hours cookies timeframe, you will also receive a commission on that product or those products.

If you are successful with that, you can branch out and do more.

Product Reviewer on YouTube.

Review products in a niche that you are knowledgeable about, whether it’s a tech item, beauty product, fitness product or some other products. We all have expertise in something and writing reviews could be interesting.

If you are interested in affiliate marketing you should check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate. It is the easiest way to get started with  affiliate marketing.

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Thank you for visiting my site and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Deanna

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