How And Why To Set Goals

piggy bank and moneyGoal setting! 

How about setting goals for the new year? In this post I’ll be explaining how and why to set goals and why it is important. Goal setting can prove very beneficial to your success in what you want to achive.

If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you’ve arrived?

Setting goals is really quite simple. First make your goals realistic.

Set small goals and then larger, long term goals.

Setting small goals are more easily attainable than just setting a larger than life goal, that in the bright early morning light will seem impossible.

Setting Goals for Success  

When setting goals you need to strive for some success in small amounts.

If you set your sites too large, it can be defeating and you will not achieve them. It might seem grand and success oriented  but you are setting yourself up for failure and not reaching what you are working for.

You are better off to always set you goals in small increments and work to larger goals.

There is a formula that explains how to set SMART Goals.pyramid of affiliate marketing





T- time bound

If you follow these guidelines you will have a better chance at success obtaining your goals and achiving your lifelong endeavors.

This works in your personal growth as well as your professional growth.

Do you want to be your own boss?

If you want to be your own boss how would you go about it?

First you would have to know what type of business you are interested in.

Do you want a brick and mortar business, like a bookstore or a coffee shop or a boutique?

A brick and mortar business is fine but a lot more involved and quite a bit more expensive than an online business.

First you will need real estate, either rental property or space you already own. Then some renovation  to get set up just the way you want it. Depending on the type of business you will need supplies and inventory, shelves to hold merchandise, cash registers, computers etc.

The list is long. It all depends on the type of business it is. Years ago I owned my own hair salon and day spa and the expense to get all the hair dressing and spa equipment was very costly, between shampoo chairs, styling chairs, hair dryers, massage tables and facial equipment, it was very costly. Then a front desk and waiting room chairs. There are many hidden cost to a business like that. So, make sure you go into it with as much research as you can possible have. Talk to other people in the same area and get their feedback.

Today, starting a business can be much simpler if you decide for an online business. The cost is so much less, plus your hours are so much more flexible. That would be my first choice.  If you want to be your own boss and work from home than an online business   would be  perfect for you.

Today, thanks to the internet there is the choice of working from home. with many options. Something that was not available not too many  years ago.

Research all the different avenues that are at your fingertips making it available to work from home. With less expense and more convenience for you. The opportunities are endless.

There are many easy ways to get started and one of the best and cheapest is to follow the training offered at Wealthy Affiliate.

All the training is there and you don’t even need a credit card to get started. Wealthy Affiliate will take you by the hand and teach you the best way to learn affiliate marketing. You don’t need a product to sell or an invention. You just help people find the right product by your recommendations and when they purchase that item, you receive a commission for your recommendation. No product to inventory or worry about returns or complaints.

Just sign up and start taking the lessons. It’s as simple as that to get started. And you can get started for free.

But it does take a lot of determination and hard work to be successful. Anything worth having is worth working for.chart of WA

You will have good days and not so good days. Just keep plugging along and don’t give up on your dream job. It is within your grasp.

When I was looking for at home work I was lost about what was available until I heard about affiliate marketing and then I knew that was for me. No answering to a boss, no deadlines,  in  other words being my own boss, work at my own schedule. You do have to work hard if you want to succeed, but you set a realistic pace for yourself, depending on your situation in your home. Do you have small children, an elderly person living with you ? Those all contribute to what you are able to get done in a day.

But, you have the flexibility to work different times that fit your schedule. Plus, no commute to and from work.

It is by far the best training available for on line work. You will be building a business for you and by you that will work for many years to come and something you can hand down to your children and grandchildren. That would be a wonderful goal.

So, keep setting those goals and do everything to achieve them. Sometimes it seems hard to set goals. But, if you set small goals and start to realize them than eventually the bigger goals will follow and you are getting closer to achieving what you set out to do. Just keep plugging along. Somedays are going to be harder than other days, I know I’ve been there.

Just don’t give up! You deserve to be successful and with determination you can realize all your dreams beyond all  you hoped for. I’ve seen it happen many times in my lifetime.

So read my review post about Wealthy Affiliate and see for yourself.

This could be just what you were looking for. If you decide to venture into affiliate marketing, you need to stay committed to the program and get involved in the awesome community and you will find success. Not overnight. But, with goal setting, and hard work you can make your dreams come true.

I would love to hear from you, so if you like this article, please comment  or leave a question below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for stopping by.


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