Speechpad Review

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Welcome to my review of Speechpad

If you would love to work from home and be able to set your own schedule, you can check out transcription work. Several online companies offer transcribing work, maybe you have heard about them. Speechpad is among the most notable transcription companies available.

Speechpad has been around for over ten years, and it offers a unique experience to transcribers who turn audio files into text. The company employs both the automatic generated transcribing services and human transcription.

They hire freelancers who work in the comfort of their homes to handle the human side of their services. The company boasts high accuracy transcription services to its clients at a reasonable price and offers equitable pay to freelancers. Speechpad does not require prior transcription knowledge, although you should be well acquainted with the basics of transcribing such as; have a fast typing speed and stable internet connection.

Transcription Services Offered By Speechpad

  • Transcription for different industries
  • .Premium and standard captioning
  • Language translation services
  • Conversion of voice files to text files
  • Conversion of audio files to text files
  • Converting speeches to text files
  • Converting Mp3 to text files

So How Much Can A Freelancer Make On Speechpad?

The Speechpad dashboard has different jobs that require little expertise and are open to all freelancers on the site. Although the payment could be low for jobs that require little expertise, some strenuous jobs could pay more for the work. The payment for different jobs varies depending on the experience level of a freelancer and other metrics.

Currently, speechpad pays about $0.10 to $0.40 per minute of audio transcription, and the payments are made via PayPal. You could get higher-paying jobs once you get reviews on the site after completing your orders.

The reviews are used by the site to assess your skills and fit you into transcribing reviews that are fit to your skills.

Application Process on Speechpad

The registration process on speechpad is quite easy; you will need to sign in with your email and provide a working PayPal account.

You will verify your Speechpad account using a link the company sends to your email. You will then proceed to create your speechpad portfolio, which indicates the services which you offer. This could include translation, audio, and video conversion.

You could also include your preferred language, and after you complete registering, you can qualify to bid for jobs and earn from the site. You will first start with low-paying jobs, and with positive reviews, you will get better-paying jobs.

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Requirements to Work on Speechpad

Although you can work on Speechpad with little experience, clients can be selective when allocating work and you must meet the following requirements to get enough work on the site:

You must have a grasp of the English language, which includes grammar, punctuation, and spelling. An additional language will be an added advantage since your pool of prospective clients will be more extensive.

You should type at a speed rate of about 40 words per minute, as this helps you accomplish more and meet the deadlines.

It would help if you had an ear for difficult accents and dialects.

You should understand the technical terms for particular topics, especially those related to business, law, or medicine.

You will need a dependable laptop with a fast internet connection.

It would help if you also got a transcriber headset and a foot pedal.

Grammar and spelling checkers could help you with difficult of unfamiliar terminologies.

Are There Set Working Hours On Speechpad?

There are no set times when you can work on speechpad, and when you find work on the site, you work with the company and not for them. You will, therefore, set your working time when you are free and away from distractions.

You can also work on as many jobs as you want on Speechpad, and the only obligation is meeting the deadline. Your earnings on Speechpad site will depend on your commitment and typing speed.

The turnover for an hour audio file on speechpad is about eight hours, but you can have an extension of four hours if you need extra time to work on the project.

Is Speechpad An International Company?

Speechpad is an international company that recruits transcribers from almost all countries in the world. A client can choose transcribers from any country of choice, and here the transcribers could be specialized in other languages other than English. The only problem that Speechpad faces is the unavailability of PayPal in some countries, and it could be a challenge to pay workers from these countries.

Pros of Speechpad Transcribing Company


The company allows inexperienced writers to work and learn on the site.

They pay via PayPal.

The site is a worldwide opportunity for transcribers.

Application is easy, and you get an automatic reply.

It is easy to get a good rating on the company and achieve more.

The company gives you a chance to progress, and you can work according to your schedule.


The pay is less than 50% of the wage.

Some audio files could be lengthy and not cut into segments.

It is unaccredited or rated by Better Business Bureau.

Some countries do not use the PayPal system of payment, and thus this could limit people from these countries that could wish to work with speechpad.

Is Speechpad Legit?

Before you sign up and start working with speechpad, you could be worried if it is a legitimate company. From my experience, speechpad is a legitimate company that offers transcription work to freelancers all over the world.

They are among the best companies that offer the services at a competitive rate and is best for beginners, and it gives them a chance to develop their skills.

Final Thoughts

I could recommend speechpad to freelance transcribers who wish to work from home as it is one of the few companies that hire beginners.

Here you will learn as you earn, and with dedication, you will be among the best-paid transcribers on the site. The site offers work internationally, although some countries do not support the PayPal method of payment.

You will not have to worry about not working when on international tours. Speechpad has an easy registration process, and it is best if you have a better grasp of the English language to excel on the site.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my article and if you have any question, please leave them below and I will answer them as soon as possible, Deanna


8 thoughts on “Speechpad Review”

  1. I have done transcription work in the past and must say it was not easy. Probably because english is not my mother tongue. I would spend hours trying to figure out what was said and the pay was very bad. Speechpad seems a bit different though, with better pay and hopefully better audio. I am tempted to give it a go again. My English grammar has always been good throughout high school and I love typing. So will check this out. 

    • Hi Charne, Hopefully this review was helpful and I wish you all the best In the future. Thanks for the comment, Deanna

  2. as Speachpad has fairly decent reviews, this could be a good place to start earning money online.  Even after building a site and starting to create content, there is some downtime for most new online business owners.  Not only are you making some money, but you are also getting some excellent experience.  Most of our typing skills get sloppy, and getting paid by the minute of the finished product would be a great incentive.  There is time with building a business when your content seems slow to complete.  Having something to work on to help you get your mind off what you were doing can send you back to your building with a different frame of mind.

    I have never done transcribing,  I will admit that I have been intimidated with the idea.  However, there seem to be opportunities to try this way of earning money online.  It is a matter of just jumping in and getting my feet wet.

    Have you worked with Speachpad?  Do they have lots of work?  So that you can work when you have time?  Or are the busy times clustered together? 

    • Thanks for the comments Sami, I have never done transcribing, my typing is too slow. But, it’s good because you set your own hours. Ans naturally, the more you can do the more you will earn, Thanks again, Deanna

  3. Hi Deanne,

    This is for sure an opportunity to look at when you can use a few extra bucks alongside or short term and are at home because of the pandemic. Personally, if you looking for a more “serious income” I think there are other ways to earn money, but those are long-term projects like, for instance, affiliate marketing.

    Thanks for sharing this with us 🙂

    All the best,


    • Thanks Luc, for the comments. Yes, it is a good way to earn some extra money if you are a good typist. Less involved than doing affiliate marketing. Although affiliate marketing is building a long term business which is yours.

      Thanks, Deanna 

  4. Hello there, You can work from home, and this actually helped me gain experience to find higher-paying transcription jobs. The staff (with speech pad email addresses) are pretty helpful and friendly. I still like to complete jobs for them from time to time because they are usually more entertaining than other companies.

    • Hi Ismeglamour, Thanks for your comments. Yes there are plenty of different ways to make money from home. And most of them are quite inexpensive to get started with. Good luck Deanna 


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