Elevacity Review 2020

This is my review of Elevacity MLM Coffee Review

coffee beansWelcome, how would you like to find a coffee that could make major changes your life? With your first sip it can change your life, or so the company claims.

First of all, I am not involved in this company at all. I just want to give you an unbiased view of this money making program and it’s pros and cons.

Product Name: Elevacity

Founded: 2014

Owner: Robert Oblon

Type of business: Multi-level-marketing company

Cost: $49.97 one-time cost than $25.00 a month

Who is it best for: It’s not a recommended company

I am not a fan of MLM companies for financial freedom.

The amount of work for the amount of money earned is very low in most cases. Plus, it takes a certain type of person, who is comfortable recruiting others to join, not many people like doing that.

I do want to commend you for doing your research before purchasing any product. Especially a product that you eat or drink.

Back to Elevacity

It is one of the latest start-ups in the multi- level marketing category using the Dose line of coffee and assorted products.

The Dose products contain Nootropics, which are said to provide a brighter mood, more energy and more enhancements in clarity. These neurochemicals are supposed to increase those functions.

Personally, I am cautious of what I put into my body. How do you really know what you are taking?

Plus, when they make it sound like a miracle product, I’m leery. If these products were such miracle treatments, why didn’t Doctor prescribe them years ago. Maybe I’m just skeptical.

Elevacity is a multi-level- marketing company which is connected to the Dose Experience.

You came across Elevacity and it sounds interest. Should you join their MLM program offer? However, as an affiliate, you should never rush into something in today’s online marketing business. We have seen many MLM programs turn into huge disappointments (scams) in recent years, resulting in lost time and money.

It would be best to really do your homework before you go down this road, and that is why we compiled this article to give you a clear insight into the Elevacity MLM Coffee Review.

We will look into details about their MLM structure and the company’s pros and cons. If you plan on investing, the information we are going to provide will help you make a well-informed decision; so it’s worth your attention and time. So, read on to find out more.

picture of elevocity products


Elevacity Coffee MLM Structure

Elevacity is one of the many upcoming Multi-level marketing companies that sell skincare products, wellness supplements, among other products.

Some of these products include XanthoMax, Elevate Zest, Elevate Smart Coffee, Elevate Nitro, to name a few. The company was founded in 2014 by Robert Oblon, having its corporate headquarters in Plano, Texas.

MLM Structure

The MLM structure of Elevacity offers income-generating opportunities for members who market their business to others and ones who sell their products. The marketing basis is the company’s products ability to elevate one’s health, happiness, and wealth. To join, you pay $49.95 for the annual membership. Then you can select the $250 or $500 one-time enrollment kit.

As an affiliate for Elevacity, you are paid commissions determined by your sales volumes or personal levels. Elevacity MLM offers eight different compensation plans for their members.

They include retail bonus, leadership bonus, fast start bonus, diamond pool, uni-level bonus, diamond pool, differential bonus, Customer Acquisition Bonus, and Ambassador Bonus. Find out more about Elevacity’s marketing products and current pricing on their official websites, either elepreneur.com or elevacity.com, before enrolling as one of their affiliates. Their compensation plan is very confusing.

What Are Elevacity MLM’s Pros and Cons?

Elevacity MLM is a legit program, but legit is not all that matters for an affiliate marketer. How much do they pay their affiliates, and is their membership cost affordable?

How is their terms & policy plan? These are only some extra factors that you should also consider.

Before you start investing, you should look at the reviews of the company. Find out what other people are saying about the company. We are here to make it all easy for you!

Based on our research on the company’s review, we compiled a list of some pros and cons of their MLM program. Let’s get cracking.


Quite Affordable to Join

Elevacity MLM charges a $49 annual membership subscription, which is quite affordable as compared to other MLM companies. For instance, NewYou, a CBD oil MLM, costs about $70 monthly to remain active and qualify to earn commissions.

There are other MLM companies whose enrollment fees escalate up to hundreds or even a thousand dollars. So, Elevacity is quite an affordable MLM opportunity.

Money-Back Guarantee

For all Elevacity products, customers can get refunds, when not pleased about the delivery, within 30 days. Typically, products having no money-back guarantee are harder to market than those with one.

Also, customers are more comfortable buying something they know they can refund if it does not meet their expectations. This reflects in the sales volumes, which in turn is more money for you, affiliates.

Note that this company refunds only 90% of the product’s stock price. Also, they do not refund any initial or return shipping and handling charges.

Free Replica Website

All affiliates of Elevacity MLM are provided with a website replica of the company, at no cost. You will earn 20% of all sales generated from the page’s replica website. Moreover, if a new affiliate signs up through your website, you become their sponsor automatically.

If your marketing skills are per standard, you can use it to maximize your customer base and grow your down line through recruits, which in turn will maximize your earnings.

Proper Management

The founder of Elevacity, Robert Oblon, seems quite knowledgeable in this marketing business. He is the founder of Your Success Network LLC and CEO of Travopoly. Both companies have had considerable success, showing that he is capable of achieving.

However, there is no trace of his previous involvement with this direct business model, leaving some uncertainty about his level of experience. Nevertheless, most MLM programs fail in less than a year after launching, but this one seems to have withstood all these challenges (operating for over five years).


Multiple Customer Complaints

On the Better Business Bureau, Elevacity MLM has numerous customer complaints (over 70). These complaints involve refunds (hard to get one), support staff (incapable of offering the right customer service), shipping (delays in deliveries), and billing (being charged for products they did not purchase).

Besides BBB, you will also find numerous complaints across other online platforms- YouTube, blogs, websites, and more.

Low Income Potential

According to statistics, an average affiliate with this company earns $500-$1000 annually. This figure is only a rough estimate as it was factored based on what affiliates with such an MLM company make.

If this amount is the annual income potential, it is not worth your entire time and money investment. Nevertheless, it can be some nice pocket money- if you choose to do it part-time.

Unrealistic Claims

Elevacity’s significant selling point is that their products will enhance your happiness levels, energy, and overall well-being. We are not ruling this out, but if it were true, we could all be investing in these supplements and live happily ever after. These claims are unreal and may be a turn-off for most potential customers.

Complex Compensation Plan

For status, Elevacity offers an influx of information about their compensation plan that can be quite confusing, especially for new affiliates. These include different pools, levels, ranks, percentages, etc. This factor is a strategy with most MLM companies, referred to as complexity bias.

In conclusion, Elevacity is among the growing MLM companies. The choice of whether you would like to become their affiliate lies in your hands, but we hope this article helps you make a well-informed decision. Also, take time to plan and research extensively.

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Thanks for taking the time to read this article and I hope it was informative to you.

If you have any questions or comments pleases leave them below and I will get back to you as soon as possible, Deanna.


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