Link Posting Review-Is It a Scam or Legit?

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Link Posting- Is It a Scam or Legit?

Have you jumped into a site that is enticing you to make money by posting links online? If you are going through this, I know you are wondering if link posting is a legit job or just a scam. They make it sound so simple to do, effortless.

Most sites will sell you the idea that you need to post a few links then start depositing money in the bank. Now, let’s find out more about the link posting site. And what’s true and what’s not.

First what is Link Posting?

To date, link posting is one of the most infamous scams on the internet. The site tells you to join under an individual registration fee so that you can post advertisement links for companies.

Nonetheless, people still get tricked into paying this fee and the extent of spending extra cash for site-upgrades.

The site might entice you through these small withdrawals. No sooner do you start investing money through these fake upgrades than the site shuts down. In the process, most people will end up losing huge chunks of money. These websites close and re-open every time with new ‘business’ scam ideas. This factor makes it hard for authorities to track them down.

Is it legit?

Link posting is not a real job, but a long-running scam operated by various websites. The sites sells you a fake ‘online job’ program. They want to entice people using the site to think that you can easily make money online.

Most people get tricked easily into these scams and end up losing money. However, there is a way you can make money by posting links online. To learn more about link posting, let’s find out more.

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How Does the Link-Posting Scam Work?

Through a review on several link-posting scams, the basis under which these scammers structure the job is the same. They change the site‘s hyperlink, name, and the company they claim to advertise for. The following guidelines  is a  brief description of the scamming process.

Opting In

Most of these sites start on newbies through an enticing headlining caption. For instance, ‘did you know that you can make over $10 a day in the comfort of your home? Login below and learn how’. The main purpose of this page is capturing your details so that even if you don’t join, they can SPAM you.

Sales Page

The sales page is where the real scamming now starts. If you are keen enough, you will notice some red flags at this stage. For instance, they may include a short-filmed video or story of a person whose life changed through that job. At this point, they will convince you to buy upgrades, and that is where you realize you lost your money.

They prey on the newbie who has little or no experience.

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Disappointments and Upsells

The disappointments and upsells come in when the site requires you to pay a membership fee to access certain services i.e., training. The sites will offer you simple training; hence most people end up lacking an idea of the whole ‘marketing’ process.

Note that there are no particular instructions included that can help you build an online business. Once you’re scammed through the phone, getting your money back becomes very difficult.

The Never-Ending SPAM

Note that after capturing your details, the sites will send this information to unethical marketers. This SPAM red-flag is inclusive in their privacy policy. Online scammers know that people don’t read the privacy policy and will blindly agree to its terms and conditions. After they sell your information, stopping the SPAM emails or texts becomes hard to stop. Typically, their objective is not creating a job for you but their elaborate money-making scheme.

What are The Red-Flags?

Now you have an idea of the scamming process; you need to know how to identify various link-posting scams. Next time that ad or notification pops up in your mail, here are some things to look out for.

Fake Videos and Logos

picture of link building site

Most scamming sites deceive people into thinking they are posting links for certain companies. Videos and logos are some tools they will use to fool you. If you happen to come across videos popularizing a particular link-posting job on the net, it’s likely a scam.

Fake Back-Story/ Testimonials

These scammers use fake back-stories or scraped testimonials to lure you into their scams. A back story is the backbone of playing with the emotions of their catch.

For instance, the story will talk about someone who was struggling and how he hopped into this site that changes their lives. If you do some research, you might find a similar story used for a different site, with few alterations. These fake sites are a dime a dozen.

Fake Scarcity

These scammers will advertise fake scarcity to entice newbies and impulse upgrades from people. For example, they might include limited countdowns/ slots.

This factor encourages people to join, in fear of losing out on the limited slots. Since a person is joining the site in a hurry, maybe through a referral, they do minimal research. Be cautious about any online job offering limited deadlines.

Why is Link Posting a Scam?

Are you still thinking of hopping on to that mouth-watering $200 per day job that site will offer you? Take some time and look back at this job’s setting. Why would a company hire people for such huge wages, yet they require no qualifications or skills?

If link-posting was a legit job, these companies would hire people requiring a low minimum wage like in affiliate Marketing.

Leave alone those link-posting jobs you want to hop into. Want to learn a real money-making job using links? Affiliate marketing involves online service marketing and product promotion.

Unlike link posting, affiliate marketing is a business that requires time and effort. Also, you do not start making money on your first day. You need to spend quite a bit of time and research developing a website, and that’s why many people are not successful.

Link-posting is a sketchy representation of affiliate marketing. Note that in affiliate marketing, you need to identify your target audience.

You start up by creating your website, building its traffic, and later use it to market products. When you join an affiliate program, it provides you your distinct affiliate links. Unlike link-posting scams, joining an affiliate program is free.

In conclusion, this article highlights in detail how the link posting scam job operates. Most people are vulnerable to these scams due to the lack of information and are very anxious to make money.

Use this information as a guideline to avoid getting involved in such scams. There is no secret way of making money; you need to put in the work. But, if you do, the rewards will definitely pay off and you will be glad you did.

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Thanks for reading my article an if you have any comments please leave them below and I will answer assoon as possible, Deanna




4 thoughts on “Link Posting Review-Is It a Scam or Legit?”

  1. Hello Deanna – 12 Minute Affiliate seems like a fair deal.  As you said, there are positives and negatives.  No matter what it seems, the bottom line is work.  There is no getting around that.  Therefore no matter what system an individual settles on they have to put in the time and effort.

    • Hi Nathaniel, Many products have positive and negatives, but you still have to watch out for the out and out scams that don’t have any value, but, just take your money. Thanks for the comments and good luck to you, eanna

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