Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free

mindset picture of clouds and skyThere are 4 steps to learn to affiliate marketing.

1. Picking and deciding on a niche

What’s a niche? Simply put a niche is a topic that you are interested in. It could be sports, a hobby like gardening, pets or camping. . Can you make money with it. Dogs, cats, horses, sports. Maybe cooking, baking, any number of things. Research your niche or topic and see if it is lucrative.

Take skiing, I was an avid skier when I was younger. I could have started a blog on ski clothes or ski equipment What’s the best and warmest clothing to buy. That can be a very profitable niche. Ski clothing is very expensive. That’s one suggestion. Do some research on your topic and make sure you can earn money in that niche.

Make sure it’s not too saturated and the competition is not too much.

I know someone who has a blog about dog food, and has done very well in the dog food niche. He was creating his brand, which is important. Just make sure it is something you can write about. You will need to write a lot of articles about the topic you chose.

Is there a market for this topic. Do you know anything about it, Is the market saturated already and does it interest you?

Check out magazines. If there are magazines on this topic, it must be popular. Check out Google, Put your topic into Google with affiliate programs and see what comes up.

It’s better to spend some time doing research before you invest a lot of energy into something that will be very hard to promote.

Choosing a niche takes some time and research. I recommend you take this training to get the right start.

photo of 4 steps for affiliate marketing

2. Setting up your blog

1. Sign up to Wealthy Affiliate and start your free training.

2. Decide on a name. I was in a dilemma about this, But, the easiest way to go, is just use your own name. www.myname,com,There is no right or wrong answer here. Use the KISS approach. Keep It Simple Stupid. No dashes or spaces. Make it easy to remember. That’s it. So, now you have a name.

3. Build your website.

This will only take a matter of minutes. Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate. Follow the steps to build a website, pick a theme and in a very short time your website is built. Don’t worry about your theme, you can always change it in the future.

4. Building out your website.

You have reached the time for your website to be seen by the search engines. But, be patient, this part will take a while.

You will need quite a few articles before google will start noticing you and take you seriously,

It takes quite a while to get ranked on the first page of Google and that’s what we are aiming for. So, just keep writing.

Don’t let this scare you if you are new. Just write from your heart and be as honest as you can be, Write in your own words. Make it conversationally, like talking to a friend or family member. Make sure you don’t copy other articles.

After about 30 or so blog posts you should start to see some organic traffic.

5. Make money blogging

That’s how you will make money by getting traffic to your site.

Free Traffic

If someone clicked on one of your affiliate links and buys something, you are recommending, you will receive a commission. Pretty neat!

Say, you have a diet site and you write an article about how to make a diet smoothie and you have a link to a favorite blender that makes good smoothies and someone clicks that link and sends that person to the site where you can purchase that blender and they purchase it, you will get a commission. That’s the simple explanation of affiliate marketing in a nutshell.

And affiliate marketing is only one form of income.

So go to Wealthy Affiliate and sign up for the free starter course. You will be glad you did. Plus, I will be your coach as you learn all there is to know about how to earn money with  affiliate marketing.

3. Create content

Keep creating content. That’s very important, the more content you create the more your website will be noticed.

4. Sign up for affiliate programs {like Amazon} Amazon is not the only affiliate program out there. But it is the easiest to be approved for, so start with that one first.



Bed Bath and Beyond,

Macy s,

Share a sale

Flex offer


Aite Ground

Vig Link

Clickbank {digital products}


CJ Affiliates


A Sale

Skim Links


This is a partial list that I found on Google

Learning the basics

When you join Wealthy Affiliate you will have at your fingertips all the training needed to earn a good or great income for yourself. But, it takes work and plenty of it. It’s not hard to learn, but it does take determination.

You will have setbacks and frustration, but, that’s true with any new venture. But it is certainly is worth the work. There are so many advantages. Working from home, or anywhere in the world.

Making your own hours, low cost to get started. I think the hardest part is the scams. We have seen and heard so many of them, it’s like 2 clicks and you will be earning hundreds of dollars $$$$. That’s just not true, but you can make a very good living if you persevere and don’t give up the ship.

Scaling up

So, you have your first site up and running, you’re adding content to it almost daily. Things are looking good. After you see money coming in, then you can think about another site. I know WA members that have many sites. But concentrate on that first site until it’s running smooth and you are earning a good living and you really only need one site to be successful.counting money

Rinse and Repeat

But, if the timing is right and you have the time and desire, you can branch out and add more sites. That’s a personal choice. But, let me caution you, don’t make the mistake I did. I got bored with my first site and jumped around and started some other sites and did not see success for quite a while. Learn from my mistakes and you will do fine. So check out Wealthy Affiliate it’s free to join and good luck in your future endeavors.

Final Word

So, thanks for reading this article and if you have any comments, please leave them below and I will answer as soon as possible and good luck to you in you new venture. Deanna


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