Extra Money For Retirees


Are you retired? Could you use extra money or a steady income when you are retired. I hope this article will give you some ideas about how to earn extra money for retirees.

Not many companies do that any more

Years ago, most people had a good retirement from the company they had worked for many years. Today that is rarely the case.

Most companies don’t keep you around long enough for you to cash in on your retirement.

If you were able to invest successful you might be o.k. but if not you probably could use some extra money. It’s hard to live only on Social Security.

Here’s a list of ideas to supplement your income.

  1.  A part-time job. What are you good at? Are you into golf? Check with different clubs in the area, they might need a ranger or some one to help out in different areas, plus you might get to golf for free.
  2. Fashion, do you like clothing, check out the local boutiques, they might need part-time employees.
  3. Are you interested in food and  cooking? Maybe a local bakery or deli could use your help. There are many possibilities.
  4. Temp work. Flexibility is good if you want to do temp work. There are many possibilities available.
  5. Task Rabbit will hook you up with many services. Do you enjoy children, you could do some babysitting, are you a handy man or like to work in the yard? Task Rabbit can match you up with many needed services.
  6. Have you heard of Uber, the taxi service? All you need is your own vehicle and a smart phone. You set your own hours and get started as a driver.
  7. Become an Entrepreneur. This is my favorite income generating idea. You have your own business and can work as little or as much as you want. It’s a good idea to get familiar with a computer and the internet, but you don’t have to be a wiz kid. You write articles about products, say from Amazon, and receive a commission if someone buys something. Here is a much more detailed description, learn how to make money online. Check out Wealthy Affiliate. You can join for free to get started.
  8. Sell your stuff. Being retired you probably have a garage and basement full of books, furniture, clothing, dishes and many other items including tools. You can sell them on Ebay or Craigs list. If you are not comfortable with that, take the clothing to a consignment shop and books to a used book store. Once you understand how to buy and sell used items, start buying used goods and selling them for a profit.
  9. Hobby or Talent. If you are talented in sewing, knitting, quilting, crocheting or a craft turn it into a business. If you can alter clothes, sew on buttons, or hem a dress, offer your services for a price. Make hand made items and display them at local events and fairs. You will surprised at how popular they will be.
  10. Pet sit. If you like pets, offer to dog walk, groom dogs or pet sit when the owners go on vacation or have to work out of  .

If you are looking to earn some real money, look into affiliate marketing. It is very lucrative! Having knowledge of computer helps but is not necessary.

There is training available on the internet and plenty of it is free. So, start researching it and if you want some help, feel free to be in touch with me in the comment section and I will share as much information as I can. But, first check out my Wealthy Affiliate Review, and thanks for taking the time to read this.

I hope I have given you some ideas to help you earn extra money, and if you have any questions I will be glad to help, just leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you, Deanna


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