Earn Money From Home- It Can Be Done!

old typewriter

Have you ever wished that you could earn money from home? Well today it’s easier than ever to earn money from home. Sounds good !

Just think, not having to travel to work, fighting the traffic, the weather and all the disgruntled people you have to intermingle with on a daily basis.

No more paying exuberant childcare costs. Having to buy your lunch out in a restaurant or brown bag it. Spending money on clothes for work.

. You can work in your pajamas, keep an eye on your children, work when you want and earn good money too.counting money

Do you have it in you?

If you have the determination and the desire, you can earn a good living with your own website. But it does take a lot of determination and a stick-to-it mind-set if you want to succeed. Nothing worth having comes easy.

You will have to work hard and be learning  something new all the time. Learn to love writing content, because you will be doing a lot of it. I think it’s safe to say that you will need at least 100-200 articles before you see much traffic. Plus, you must be disciplined to stick with it a set amount of hours every week. Don’s listen to the “guru’s, one click and the money rolls in. It doesn’t work that way. It takes a lot of hard work and plenty of learning and mistakes to get up and running.

For some people it comes easier  than others, but in many cases it sure beats having a boss. I have been on both sides of the spectrum, working for someone and being my own boss. And I think the latter is better, but remember the buck stops here! You own all the responsibility that goes with being your own boss.

Websites and blogs

Today websites and blogs are very easy to build. You don’t have to hire a company to do it for you. If you know where to look you can have a website up and running in less than an hour. There are many sites to help you do that with little or no money. But, some of them you do not own.

But first, you have to put in some research. You have to find something that interests you and you will be able to write a lot of articles about it. It’s called a niche.

Gone are the days of one page sites that made money. You need a site that is always adding articles in order to get ranked on the search engines. And you need to get rankings to earn money.

But that will come later, right now, find a niche, something that interests you like gardening, golf, skiing, knitting, camping, money, the sky’s the limit. Narrow that down to a certain type of gardening. If you grow beautiful roses that could be a niche. The 3 most popular niches are Wealth, Health and Relationships. So check out some sites and get an idea of how this works. Read articles about the field (niche) you are interested in. That way you will understand what works.

If you golf, do you have a certain brand of golf club that you like. That could be a niche. You want to make sure it is a very narrow niche within a broader niche. Take golf for instance, you could promote golf clubs, golf bags, shoes, clothing, golf balls, even golf courses. Get the idea. The sky’s the limit.

If you love a certain breed of dogs, you could start a site on how to train that breed. How to stop them from barking, how to stop them from jumping, how to stop them from digging… That’s just a few suggestions. The sky’s the limit. Think about it, what could you write about, because you will have to write many articles on the subject.

Go to Clickbank and check out what they have to offer. Plus, Clickbank has a ton of training to help you understand how to get started.

Name for your website

Then you need to decide on a name for your site.  Today anything will work. It could be something very simple and not related to your niche. If you are going to promote rose gardening, you can pick something related to that. Don’t use hyphens, it’s too confusing. Keep it short, simple and easy to remember. Today many people are using just their own name, like johndoe.com

Then go to Wealthy Affiliate, join their starter program and go through the Starter training and they will walk you through how to set up a website. Follow their training and with their help you will have a website up and running in no time at all. Plus, the started program is free, yes, free. No credit card needed.

Then start the training, don’t skip around or go ahead. It’s best to follow the yellow brick road and you will soon be successful. Take it from me, I jumped around and started too many different websites and did not concentrate on one and just spread myself too thin. Because of that it took me a lot longer to start earning any income.

Always try to get a .com domain. If .com is not available, look for a different name for your domain. If you go to my review page of Wealthy Affiliate and sign up for the free membership, you will be well on your way to getting a great website up and running. Soon you will be earning money from home.

So, have I got your attention? If so, than go check out Wealthy Affiliate.

So, sign up now and get started.

Just think, work from home. So many good reasons why that works. You’re your own boss, no traveling, no fighting traffic and paying for gas and lunches. There are many pros to working from home and very few negatives. But, it does take discipline and determination to make it work. You have to really want it to make it work.

If you found value in this article, please leave me a comment or a question and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks, Deanna.


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