Review – Good or Bad?


ClickBetter Review

In this article I will give you my personal review of Clickbetter.

Is it as good as ClickBank or is it better or not as good?

In this review, I will share all the good and bad points of this program, that I’m aware of.

I will also give you my own opinion if this is a good business opportunity or one to stay away from.

These are some questions you need to ask and if possible find the answers to.
First of all, good for you for taking the time to check out possible investment opportunities. That shows that you are doing your homework to find a legitimate path to make money online.

I am not affiliated with this product in any way.


So, lets get started.

Name: ClickBetter

Founded: 2013

Cost: Free to join
What type: Affiliate Network
ClickBetter is an affiliate network that offers an e-commerce platform for digital products. It was founded in 2013.
The platform provides a marketplace for vendors to sell products and, at the same time, allows affiliate marketers to promote these products and earn huge commissions.
It is free to sign up on ClickBetter. Once you sign up as an affiliate, it is free to promote the listed products.
Upon the sale of each product, you get commissions ranging from 50% to 80%.
The marketplace is open to products in any niche.

Here is a complete ClickBetter review.
1.Sign Up
The first step in joining ClickBetter, whether as a vendor or as affiliate marketer, is to sign up. The signup process is free for everyone.
All you need to do is fill in the required details, and you can start selling and promoting products. Very simple to enroll.

Additionally, the sign-up process does not involve approval compared to other affiliate network platforms where you have to wait before your account is approved.
2.Ease of Use
As soon as you sign up with ClickBetter, you are hit with an upsell.

If you are not interested in the upsell, you can proceed to the dashboard, which is straightforward. The dashboard includes details such as your account details, payment information, analytics, transactions, products, and marketplace.

For affiliate marketing, you can easily browse the different products in the marketplace. Additionally, you can get affiliate links in this section. You can choose any product you want to promote, and there is no approval process in this stage.

From the dashboard, you can see your analytics. The analytics shows your sales and statistics so that you can have a successful campaign.
3.The Marketplace
If you want to promote products, you should go to the marketplace. This section is located on the dashboard.

In the marketplace, there are 11 categories with sub-categories. These categories contain a range of products from all niches to choose from.

Some of the categories include arts and entertainment, betting systems, business, gaming, health and fitness, languages, and software.
4.How It Works
ClickBetter does not discriminate. Whether you are a vendor or an affiliate marketer, you can easily join. For vendors, all you need is to list the products you want to sell on the marketplace.

If you are an affiliate marketer with ClickBetter, you should start by search the different categories to find products that you can promote on your blog.

Once you find a particular product, you should market it to your audience and provide a link to purchase the product. Once you make sales, you get a commission.
The best thing about being an affiliate marketer with ClickBetter is that you are not limited on the number of products to promote. You can promote any products you want.
As an affiliate marketer, ClickBetter allows you to earn commissions through the platform. To earn these commissions, you will need to promote the products and make sales. To get started, you will need to share the link on your website, blog, emails, or social media to target a large audience.

Your audience will then click on the links and buy the products, and you earn the commissions. This process is simple, and you do not need any training to understand how to do this.

ClickBetter allows affiliate marketers to earn big commissions compared to other affiliate networks. The commissions start from 10%, but most of the products have commissions of up to 75%.
If you are a ClickBetter vendor, you must pay ClickBetter 10% the price of each product and $1 for every sale made on the platform.
6.Tools and Training
With ClickBetter, you do not get any training after joining. Moreover, the tools are limited, and you will need to pay for those that are available.

This is a great disadvantage, especially to new affiliate marketers who have no experience in marketing.

Once you join ClickBetter, you have to find your way around the platform. On the dashboard, you are provided with the top 10 products that are more likely to sell quickly and earn you a commission.

Furthermore, you will be receiving tons of emails promoting different products.
When it comes to affiliate marketing, the most important thing is customer support services.

Whenever you get challenges, or you have questions, you should be able to get assistance immediately.

The customer support services at ClickBetter are good for both affiliates and vendors. You can contact them if you want help.

You can contact ClickBetter by calling their phone numbers. If the call is not answered, they will call you back.
After you have made sales by promoting the products, ClickBetter updates your account, and you can always check your balance.

The payments are paid once a week. You can receive your payments through different platforms such as checks, bank transfers, wire transfer, Skrill, and prepaid debit cards.
If a buyer on ClickBetter asks for a refund and you have already received the payment, the money will be deducted on your next payment.

This will be indicated on your account as a negative balance.

Before you get paid, you need to reach a certain payment threshold of $250. Furthermore, if you do not have a minimum of 5 unique buyers, you cannot receive your payment even if you have reached your $250 threshold.

Also, you need to bear in mind that there is a $20 charge for processing the payment and a 20% reserve held for 6 months for covering up refunds.
9.Quality of Products
One of the major complaints about ClickBetter is the quality of the products. Most buyers return the products since they do not meet quality and get refunds.

This is because ClickBetter accepts all possible vendors in the market. By accepting all vendors, there are high chances that many of them are scammers. Moreover, they do not conduct background checks on the products for quality purposes.

clickbetter review

Final thoughts

After joining the program and checking out the marketplace I was very disappointed in the lack of products available. And the products that were available were not selling for any set price.

So, I’m afraid that it is not a very good program to find digital products to sell.

ClickBetter offers a 30 day and 60-day money-back guarantee to buyers when they are not satisfied with the products.

The guarantee depends on the vendor.
ClickBetter is not a scam. However, it is not a real good platform for both affiliates and vendors. Though it’s a relatively new affiliate network, it has a bad reputation for its marketplace since most of the products are scams and low quality.

So, if you have been thinking about using ClickBetter, I would reconsider. You don’t want to promote spammy products because you will lose your credibility with your own customers.

We hope that with time, ClickBetter will build a better program, be more selective in the products that they promote. Which will improve their reputation in the industry.

Here is my favorite training for affiliate marketing. It’s the best available.

Wealthy Affiliate – My Honest Review 2021


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