Affiliate Marketing Basics

Affiliate Marketing Basics

In this article I will explain to you how to make a good living with affiliate marketing, from the comfort of your home.

I will explain what affiliate marketing is and give you a formula to help make you successful.

I will also share with you some success stories of other successful affiliate marketers.

I also want to tell you it’s not easy. In fact in the beginning it can be difficult. But, you must have the mind set that you will be successful and be determined.

First of all, I recommend you join Wealthy Affiliate. It’s free to get started, no credit card needed. Read the review, look around at their program and see if it’s a good fit for you. Test it out.  If it appeals to you, join the premium program, which includes everything.

What is affiliate marketing?

It’s the process of promoting other’s products, like in Clickbank, Amazon or Walmart. And you receive a commission when someone buys what you are promoting. There are many different affiliate programs available. As an affiliate you can promote many different products, without the hassle of purchasing, storing and shipping the product. Or taking care of customer satisfaction.

Do you think you want to become an affiliate marketer?  Well, here are some affiliate marketing basics.

Are you tired of the 9-5 ratrace, with a boss hanging over your shoulder?

Are you tired of spending hours in traffic commuting to and from work, only to get home and be too tired to enjoy your family.

Then, affiliate marketing could be for you.
chart of WABut first you have to separate the good guys from the bad guys.


They are the ones that want to sell you a get rich-quick program and it’s only $7.00. But before you’re done with add-ons and up-sells it could cost $475 and you are still not making any money.

After purchasing a few of those you could go broke pretty fast and even then the program does not work the way they say it will and you are still not making any money. Just invest a little more please…the beat goes on.

Affiliate marketing is not quite as easy as people have been lead to believe.

I’m pretty sure there are no “push the button and the money will flow in and fill you bank account to overflowing” programs out there.

I have been working on Affiliate marketing for quite a while and have just started to earn some money. And that’s with a lot of time to devote to it.

And boy, I still have a lot to learn.

It takes a lot of writing, writing reviews and articles, so you can help people. That’s why you have a blog or website, to help people with their problems, and help them solve their problems.

In my view, writing articles are all important and an important key to your success. Being consistent with writing your articles and also writing reviews.

The Best Formula

Rule 1. Pick a topic or niche that has interest for you and will help solve a problem for others.

Rule 2. Start building a blog with as many helpful articles as you can write.

Rule3. Find affiliate programs that offer products that help solve that topic’s problem.

Rule 4. After getting your website or blog established, branch out into you tube videos.

But I think it’s like anything you want in life, you have to work for it and the best thing about the web is there is plenty of help out there and you don’t have to go broke trying to get a business set up and running.

What you need

All you need is a computer, internet connection and determination.

A lot less expensive than setting up a brick and mortar store, with permits, licensing, inventory, supplies and everything else needed to starting a business. I know I had my own business for a long time.

Check around on the internet and you CAN find plenty of reputable help and training out there.

One place in particular is Wealthy Affiliate. It’s free to start with all the help you need to get an established business up and running. No credit card needed.

Here is a post from a member of WA.

proof of income earned

Here’s what you get.

You get 2 free websites and loads of training.

Then you can move on to the premium course where you get unlimited websites and over 2 thousand themes for your site and tons of step by step training for a reasonable monthly fee.
I wish I had found Wealthy Affiliate a long time ago. They must be doing something right, there are over 2 MILLION members, and most of them can help you and are ready and willing to.

After a couple of days in the starter program I upgraded to Premium, knowing this was where I wanted to be!

It has been rated the top training program available out there.

I spent a lot of time checking out different courses and programs, actually too much time.

Fortunately I was very careful about spending as little money as possible.

Find a niche.

First you need to find a niche. Something you know a lot about and are passionate about.

It could be a hobby like dog training, cooking, gardening, sports, relationships or any number of things.

That would be a broad niche.

Next break it down  to a smaller niche like training your dog not to jump, healthy cooking, finding the right man for you, growing roses or  being a little league coach, long distance relationships. You get the idea.

Then do keyword research.

Using Google Adwords- keyword planner(free) or Jaaxy, start your search for words pertaining to your site or niche.
Your search volume should be 100 or above and your competition should be under 100.
Then on to building your website which I will cover in another article. Very Easy.

But if you want a quick and easy route than read my review of Wealthy Affiliate.

It gives you all the training you could possible need. Don’t feel you have to be an expert with a computer, I wasn’t  and still not, but there is plenty of help with your membership for free.

It is the easiest path to getting a website up and running and earning money.

I would love to hear from you with any questions or comments. Please leave them below if you would like, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank-you, Deanna

supersuccessfulaffiliate.comwa logo

8 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing Basics”

  1. Like you, I also wish I had found Wealthy Affiliate a long time ago. I signed up in March 2019, and I would have loved to know about them much sooner. It is a wonderful platform, and it certainly deserves the title of being the best there is out there. I was an absolute newbie and knew nothing about affiliate marketing, managing websites, etc, and in these last months I have learned so much. After I started as a free member, after a week I decided to go Premium and I am so glad I did, I have never regretted anything. 

    What do you recommend people if they want to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate? And do you have any advice for people who may not be sure of what niche to choose?

    • Thanks for the comments Christine, Yes WA is the best. Easy to sign up, As far as a niche the sky’s the limit. A lot will depend on a person’s likes or dislikes and also what they are familiar with. I did read somewhere that mattresses were a good niche, first the price for almost all mattresses are up there and we all need a mattress. You should go with something that interest you, as you will be writing lots of articles about it. Hope that helps.Thanks again, Deanna 

  2. My biggest takeaway from your article is that there are no “push the button and the money will flow in” programs for affiliate marketers out there. You’ll need to work at it and I’m finding that consistency is king! I’ve been part of the Wealthy Affiliate program for almost two years, but I work as a seasonal outdoor guide full-time six months out of the year. So I’ve really probably only invested a little less than a year into affiliate marketing. For any beginners out there, set a consistent schedule that you can stick to, even if that’s posting once a month. It’s better to work slow and steady than to work in fits and starts! 

    • Thanks Tucker for the comments. You’re right, it takes time. The get rich quick group will try to tell you otherwise. But, you’re better off with WA. It’s the best program around and the easiest to understand. Thanks again, Deanna

  3. Hi Deanna,

    I really enjoyed reading your article about affiliate marketing basics. I have been looking for a way to earn a second income online and had been looking into wealthy affiliate. In your opinion is this the best place to start or have you got any other recommendations? Thanks in advance. Andrew.

    • Hi Andrew, Thank you for your comments. Fist affiliate marketing is not quick. If you need added income soon there are other avenues to check out. Affiliate marketing takes time and a lot of article writing. You can google online jobs and you will find many different online jobs. Check some of them out . Thanks again, Deanna

  4. Hello Deanna. Thank you for sharing this information on Affiliate Marketing basics. Base on my little experience, I know just as you have said that Affiliate Marketing is not an easy business at all: it requires a lot of hardwork, focus, dedication and patience before one can reap the benefits that come with it. Well, I am ready to go through the thick and the thin because there are no short cuts to success in Affiliate Marketing business. Base on several reviews I have read and what people are saying, I am very convinced that Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to grow as an affiliate marketer considering the fact that everything is available in one place.

    Stay blessed,


    • Thanks for your comments Mr. Biizy. You’re right affiliate marketing is hard word. Not that hard to learn, but time consuming and detailed, and WA is the best place to learn it. Enjoy the journey and good luck, Deanna


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