7 Minutes Daily Profit Is This Legit?

Welcome to my 7 minute Daily Profit Review.

Name: 7 Minutes Daily Profit

Website: 7minutedailyprofit.com

Price: $9.00 sign-up

Owner: Vince Howard7 minutes daily profits

Rank: Zero

The Good and the Bad


1.The price, very cheap to join.


1. Misleading

It’s amazing how scams have a way of not looking legit, no matter how hard they try. Maybe it’s their promise of too good to be true that gives them away.

Maybe, it’s their promise of results that are almost impossibe to achive. Whatever, they all send up red flags.

Good for you, for searching on your own for a way to make money on line. It can be done. And in a legitmate manner.

This product claims to be a brand new, little known  secret to change your live. I am not affiliated in any way with this product, I’m just giving you my opinion of this product.

Learning and implementing  this program, you will be able to quit your job and live a life of luxury, with very little effort.

On top of that, it only cost $9.00 .

This product is available on Clickbank and their claim to fame is you can make $500.00 a day and in 7 minutes. Another get rich quick scam. How sad. So many scams out there, where has peoples integrity gone?

O.K. Let’s get into it!

What does this program really offer? $500.00 a day and in just 7 minutes of joining. It’s all done for you on autopiliot.

The creator of this system is a man named Vince Howard, and he’s the only one that knows how to make fast money online. Isn’t that original!

False Testimonials

In the sales page, videos are shown of men and women talking about how great they have done with 7 Minute Daily Profit Review. Very interesting, are they real members of this program ?

No, I think not, all the successful students that were featured happen to be actors hired from Fivver. That in itself would make me pause.

These are all lies, yes, you can make money on line but not that fast, that’s for sure.

Check out this course, rated the #1 training for affiliate marketing.

click here to join button

It takes a lot of hard work, perseverance, and a lot of the right training, but, it can be done. Just, don’t look for instant success, it’s not happening.

According to Vince you only need to use a mouse to get up and running. Then comes the scary tactics.


You only have so many days, hours or minutes to join the program and get up and running or the program is going away forever!

Who’s Vince? No one has ever seen Vince.

Is he for real, I wonder? He claims he was an ordinary truck driver living in a one-room apartment with his wife, Lisa, who had to work 2 jobs, day and night. How farfetched.

The last time I checked truck drivers made decent money. What a lot of hype here.

Vince decided he wanted more, so he started looking for a way to make money online.

Vince found Victor, who was doing online marketing, and Vince fell for the scam.

So. he decided to join this limited offer. Unfortunately,  Vince was scammed out of $10,000.

I guess that’s why Vince is guaranteeing  that you will make money in the first 7 minutes. That should make you run in the other direction.

Fortunately, yes you can make money online, but not with these get-rich-quick schemes.

click here to join button

You can’t predict how much any one can make or how soon they can do it. It all depends on  each individuals computer skills, their training and how determined they are to succeed. Plus, how much time they can devote to the process.

This program kept boasting it was free, but not true. It was a nine dollar sign-up and you get hit with a ton of upsells once you join. Get rich quick schemes are not for real.

Fortunately, this product is sold through Clickbank and they are excellent about refunds within 60 days if you are not happy with the product, no questions asked.


Is it scam? Yes or No?scam sign

I feel it’s a scam, as you took the time to invest in it, even if you get your money back, it took your time, which is also very valuable. Plus, now the owner of the program has your email and can keep promoting you new programs he is trying to sell. Which can be a pain. Until you unsubscribe from his list.

So when looking for an online business to join look no further than WA

Read my review on Wealthy Affiliate, the #1 training for affiliate marketing.

In my mind, this is the best training available for learning affiliate marketing. It’s not a get rich quick scheme, but, a tried and true program to take you from step A to Z. Over one MILLION members can’t be wrong.

Plus, you can join for free, no credit card needed to get started. Check it out.

Best program on affiliate marketingThank you for reading this article and if you have any questions, please leave them below and I will get back to you as soon as possible, Deanna



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