What is Muncheye?- What You Need to Know

Muncheye Affiliate – What You Need To Know

Today I will be explaining what Muncheye  is and how to use it to your best advantage.

It is a very unique product. It is not a training product at all.

It basically is a calendar that puts you a step ahead of the competition on reviews, training and other related affiliate products.

Have you used Muncheye before? Do you understand what it is and how to use it? 

Well, let’s get started.

Muncheye review

  1. About: A calendar of soon to be releases of products
  2. Cost: 100% free to join
  3. Pros: You have access to a calendar of digital products.
  4. Cons: Usually low quality training from JV Zoo and Warrior Plus
  5. Verdict: You are able to get a jump on the competition by using Muncheye.


Muncheye is a calendar giving affiliates a heads-up on what products are going to be featured in the upcoming weeks on JV Zoo, Clickbank and W+. 

You will get a heads-up on the competition by being one of the first to promote the product before it is released to the general public.

 Muncheye lists  upcoming products to be released before the general public knows they are available. 

Many affiliate marketers use this site for launch jockeying.  That is when affiliate marketers create blogs and videos for soon to be released reviews before the general public knows they exist.

There isn’t a fee for this information. You just create an account with Muncheye and you are good to go.

Muncheye is not a scam, just a very unique program that is special to them. 

It advertises online products before they are available to the general public.

The unique name of the product is derived from the developer’s last name. MUNCH!

They are referred to as product launchers.

  1. Big Launchers– which are high-end products being released to the public soon. These products are expected to be very popular and make money online.
  2. All launches- This section list all the make money online products that will be available to promote within a couple of weeks.   

What I’ll cover in this review.

Table of Content:toilet paper money

1.What is Muncheye?

2. Are there any membership costs?

3.What do you get with Muncheye?

4.Who makes money from Muncheye?

5. How do you make money?

6. Is Muncheye legit or a scam?

Muncheye is a launch calendar that let’s affiliates like us know when a new product is being launched. Creators of the product submit the product to their calendar and any affiliate that is a member of Muncheye can find the soon to be released products before the general public hears about them. Getting a jump on the general public in promoting specific products.

Since Muncheye lists upcoming product launches, some affiliates use it for launch jacking.

This is a strategy where an affiliate creates blog articles and or videos for new releases and soon to be released new products related to the make money on line niche.

What does Muncheye cost?

First off, you can create an account on Muncheye for free.

What does Muncheye share with you?

Muncheye shares pertinent information and release dates of all the listed products and when they will be available. Also, more information from JVZoo, Clickbank  and Warrior Plus are the marketplaces where the products are sold.

Check out this video for an in-depth understanding of how this works.


Muncheye is not a marketplace. It is just a website where vendors list their latest products for affiliate marketers to promote and all pertinent information on when the product will be available. This gives the affiliate a jump start on writing a post or recording a video about this product.

Some of the so called experts recommend sending traffic directly to the sales page. This is not the way to build a strong and thriving business.

How do you make money with Muncheye?

You make money by being first in line to promote the new releases and soon to be releases. If you are using Muncheye, you are either a product owner or an affiliate marketer looking to use Muncheye to promote products.

Who is Muncheye for?

If you are an affiliate marketer with a make money online niche, you can use Muncheye to help you grow your business.

If you are in a different niche, than Muncheye would not be helpful to you at all. So, there would not be any need to pursue that line of training.

Is Muncheye a scam or legit?

No, it is not a scam. It provides what it says it will provide.

The problem I see is there is not enough information available to you to know if this product is good enough to promote. You are left in the dark in regard to that. You could write a review on an article, but if it’s not in your niche it would be worthless to your blog.

My recommendation to you would be to check out Wealthy Affiliate. It offers some of the best training available and it’s affordable. In fact you can join for free and see what it has to offer. No credit card or wallet needed. 2 million members and counting. They must be doing something right. Here is my Wealthy Affiliate review.

So take a test drive and I’ll see you on the inside.

Thanks for checking out this article and good luck to you in the future, Deanna. Please leave a comment below.

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