What is Inbox Blueprint? Is it for you?

What is Inbox Blueprint?

InboxBlueprint 2.0 is a complete email marketing course. It contains lots of resources and was designed by Anik Singal

My review of Inbox Blueprintpyramid of affiliate marketing

For Marketers

Product: Inbox Blueprint

Type of product: Email marketing course.

Cost: $997.00 or 3 payments of $ 397.

Recommend: For more experienced marketers

Rating: 90/100

What is inbox blueprint?

It is a complete and detailed course on email marketing. Developed by Anik Singal.

This course will take you from nothing to making money with email marketing with the training this course provides.

According to Anik, you can expect to earn about $1 from each of your subscribers per month.

So let’s say you have 5,000 subscribers, you can expect to make $5,000 a month from your email list. Not bad.

The developer of this training is Anik Singal. He is a veteran internet entrepreneur. He was voted one of the top three entrepreneurs by business week magazine. So he definitely knows his stuff.

In January 2014 Anika launched Inbox blueprint 1.1 and inbox blueprint 2.0 was launched in 2017

How are they different?

2.0 cost a lot more.picture of blueprint on computer screen

No up sells in 2.0

A lot more value in 2.0

More technology done for you.

Plus, there are additional resources in 2.0

LaunchPad, automation tool for email marketing

Proprietary content engine, unique content

14 day free trial for send Lane, Anik choice for an autoresponder.

Unlimited support for 12 months

Bonus free 12-month Lurn membership

Bonus #2 Traffic Academy (free and paid) traffic strategies

Bonus # 3 6 weeks fast start Program.

This will help you get 1000 email subscribers within 6 weeks.

All these bonuses are added to his value and justify the higher cost of the product

And because of his top quality training he’s been able to charge more for his products

What do you learn in Inbox Blueprint?

Here are the steps to be successful with this course.

Get as many subscribers as you can to use your landing page.

Always give your subscribers a free gift.

That allows you to collect your email addresses.

Helps to build a good relationship.

. Give your list real value by promoting quality products. Don’t have to be your own. You can use affiliate links and promote affiliate products, always a good thing.

Want to know how inbox blueprint works ?

Anika teaches you how to do all of those things. Inbox Blueprint gives you even more value by doing the following for you :

Helps you find extremely profitable niches

Help support you building a landing page with free or paid methods

Helps with creating follow-up emails

Helps you find affiliate products to promote and make more money.

What do you get for training?

Addiction meter

The bait

TYP method

Email Machine

List Relationships4 steps affiliate marketing

Payday Secrets

Easy traffic

Unlimited success.

Let’s take number one,

Addiction meter.

This is the first step in your training. You are given 30 niches that are profitable and you just have to choose one to work with. This will help you make smart choices in finding a niche and not go with your passion. Sometimes that doesn’t work.

The lessons you learned in this step.

How to choose the best niche.

Profitable niche for emails.

Best launch pad niche research, Amazon, Clickbank, YouTube and Google.

How to incorporate Launchpad niches.

Help you decide which email niche to use.

The Bait

In this lesson here’s what you will learn,coal miner

Here you will build a web page to collect emails for building your list. This is called an opt-in page.

What is an opt-in page?

Design opt-in page

Copy writing procedures to provide the best information on your page to improve email list building.

Create an opt-in page that converts easily

Best color buttons to use for converting.

How to create the best lead magnet.

Create an awesome lead magnet.

Thank-you page method.

At this point you have learned how to monetize your thank-you page to start earning money right away.

Also, teaches you:

A secret behind a thank-you page many people don’t know.

How to deliver your bait.

How to create a great landing page.

How to use Launchpad to develop strategies.counting money

How to select the best offer and activate your best strategy.

Using your auto responder.

Using an auto responder will give you the advantage of automating all your tasks, saving you tons of work.

You can sign up for an auto responder from Convert Kit, Aweber, Get response are some of the most popular ones. Most will give you a 30-day free trial.

Topics covered in this lesson:

Intro to an auto responder.

Ways to track clicks.

How to activate a free account.

How to automate messages and broadcasting.

How to set up autoresponder and how to track it.

List Building

This step is very important as it helps determine the size of our list.

Payday Secrets

You can make a good living with email marketing. But, if you learn to optimize emails, you can make plenty of money.

This training includes:

How to drastically increase your list as you build your relationship with followers.

How to use affiliate programs.

Event marketing skills.

Using webinars to sell products.

Easy traffic.

Inbox blueprint offers you ways to get traffic.

Guest blogging.

Social Media.

Yahoo answers.photo of 4 steps for affiliate marketing

Facebook ads.

Training with Google.

Forums .

This lesson offers you methods to attract free and paid traffic.

Great Success

This, your final lesson teaches you how to create success with your own email marketing system.

Overall ranking: 4out of 10 stars

.Teaches you how to make money with email, but also includes other marketing strategies.


Legit, high quality

Teaches you how to make money with emails, but also includes other marketing training.


No refunds

Very expensive

If you are a beginner it might be too advanced for you.

There are other places to learn the same thing, but much cheaper.

Check out Wealthy Affiliate if you could use some training on how to get started with affiliate marketing. click here to join button

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