Online and Offline Jobs For Retirees

retired couple

Are you retired? Do you still feel like you have some wind left in your sails? Don’t want to just sit around watching TV all day long. Unless you are involved in an interesting hobby, it can get very boring. Maybe you should look into jobs for retirees?

Well so much for retirement.   Well I know the feeling. If you are retired and still healthy, it can be frustrate to have nothing meaningful to do. So check out this article and  I’ll tell you about some jobs for retirees.

I helped watch my twin grandsons a couple of days a week so my daughter-in-law could work and I still got bored and was  looking for something to do.

So I took a serious look at what was available online. There is all that hype on work from home and I wanted to see what was good and what was not good! Or was it all just a way to help you part with your hard-earned money.

Shop till you drop

I’m not a shopper so that’s out but, who couldn’t use some extra cash, so I researched work for retirees. Working from home sounds so good, no make-up, no dressing up, no fighting traffic, just some of the perks of working from home.

But beware, work at home scams have increased in the last few years by nearly double.

As the saying goes, “if it sound to good to be true, it probably is. So be careful.pyramid of affiliate marketing

If there is a charge or fee to get a job, stay clear.


But there are plenty of legitimate jobs available.

Here are some legitimate jobs I was able to find on the internet that you have to go to, not online work.

  1. Retail

If you frequent a familiar store or specialty shop and like the environment check with some of the staff you might be friendly with.

Stop in and let them know you are available for certain hours, check if they are looking for extra staff.

2. Bookkeeping

If you have a background in finance this is a great area to look at. Many small businesses can’t afford a full-time bookkeeper but could use someone on a part-time basis.

3. Tax Preparation

If you have the skills you could get a part-time position at a large tax preparation firm during tax season. Even being a receptionist if you don’t have the skills to do taxes.

4. Elder Care and Home Health Care

This is a field that always needs help, as our population is living longer. Especially if you have a background in the nursing field. Plus, it can be very rewarding to be helpful to seniors.

5. Driver

If you enjoy driving, your license is current and you have proper insurance, this is another avenue to look at.

Limo drivers, school bus drivers, special needs drivers are some of the many possibilities.

Check with a local airport or schools in your area.

These are just some of many avenues to check

But if you really prefer to work from the comfort of your own home, than affiliate marketing might be best for you.

I have been doing affiliate marketing for a couple of years and I love it.

You can get a business set-up and running with very little cost.

It’s a little difficult to grasp in the beginning but once you get into it, it is a lot of fun and challenging and you don’t have to be a computer whiz to do this. When I started I was very limited in computer knowledge.

You work off a computer and the internet and that’s about all you need to get started. Just a computer and an internet connection.

You should research many sites pertaining to affiliate marketing before you get started, but beware.

Make sure they are not asking for large sums of money upfront.

Do your due diligence and research many different sites. There are many free ones to get started and many that are just scams. So be careful and don’t part with any money in the beginning.

Some will ask for a minimal amount of money to get started, but then they want you to keep investing more and more to get the best program. Don’t fall for that. That’s just a scam.

My opinion for what it’s worth

I searched and searched for quite a while, trying to weed out the good programs from the bad.

And yes, there are some good programs available. But some are complicated, some just send you a bunch of videos and you are on your own. But the best course I found after months of searching is Wealthy Affiliate, bar none.

If you are not into researching the different sites and ways to find a good match, just  take a look at Wealthy Affiliate . They have everything you need and it’d completely free to join. You can work with the Started program as long as you want and it is always free. If you want to upgrade to Premium you can do that also.

Then you have more training at your fingertips.

Please check out my review here to see if it’s something for you, I think it could be. Plus it’s free to get started.

Just think, work from home, in your p j’s, not spending money on gas, lunches, or clothes, sounds good to me. And, you are not on a schedule or specific hours. Work when it’s convenient for you and set your own hours. That’s the beauty of an online business. Get your blog up and running and keep adding articles and you could have a thriving business in a little while.

There is definitely a lot to learn, but, you can do it on your own time and spend as much time as you want on it. You don’t have to punch a timeclock everyday.

It’s not hard to do but it does involve dedication to see success, but it’s a lot of fun and a sense of accomplishment as you build out your site.

My favorite site for training is Wealthy Affiliate along with many others members. The program has over 2 million members and you can join for free.

Yes, that’s right FREE. No credit card needed. Plus, members are there to help you if you need a helping hand with anything. It a great community to belong to.

So, please take a minute and check it out. You will be glad you did.

Affiliate marketing is the process of describing a program or product in an article. If it’s something the reader likes and thinks they can use and they purchase the product you as the author will get a commission. No having to deal with returns, customer service, etc. Just a recommendation of a product. That’s it.

You build a website or blog around a certain niche or interest and recommend different products in your blog. If someone purchases that item, you will earn a commission called an affiliate commission.

Just make sure it’s something you are able to write about, because you will need to write many articles about that interest.

The most popular categories are Health, Relationships and Make Money Online.

But, there are many other categories, sports, hobbies, gardening, woodworking, knitting, pets, almost anything is a niche.

There is a wealth of information on line about any of these categories, so start looking and see what might interest you. Is it dieting, fitness, strength training, supplements. That would be in the health category. How to get your ex back or how to manage a long distance relationship would be in the relationship category.

Hopefully that gives you an idea of what’s available. But, the sky’s the limit. Check out Amazon and you will find plenty of areas to start researching.

If this interests you, look at Wealthy Affiliate.  They will give you all the help and training you need to learn  the ends and outs of affiliate marketing. The sky’s the limit. It does take some time, it’s not a get rich quick process. but is very satisfyingly work and a sense of great accomplishment.

Just think your own blog or website, making money for you 24-7, even while you sleep.

So check out Wealthy Affiliate, it’s free to get started and you could have a business making money soon.

Read my review of Wealthy Affiliate here for more in depth information.

Thank you for reading my article and please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible and thanks again, Deanna.

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