Legerweb,Scam or Not?

Legerweb, Is It a Scam?

Name: Legerweb

Website: Legerweb.com

Price: Free to join

Owner: Leger Marketing


Overview: A Canadian based product from Montreal, Canada. Available in Canada and the US. It’s geared to you doing surveys for this company.

No information about how much you can make doing this or how many surveys you have to do to earn an appreciable amount of income. You can check it out here.

The Good:

Free to join, Has a referral program. By referring friends and family you can $1.00 when someone signs up and completes 1 survey, including the resurvey. The amount of money to be earned amounts to a few cents or up to a dollar. You can use your phone or a computer to do the surveys.

It says it has 400,000 members and has paid out $26,506,551 since 2004, when it was formed.

The Bad: Not much opportunity for growth or the ability to earn a substantial amount of income. It would definitely just be a side job for a little extra income.

I want to stress that I am not connected with this company in any way. First, there is no membership fee, you can join for free, so there’s no way for me to earn a commission.

Does not use PayPal and is not available worldwide.

You can earn air miles with this program.

Unfortunately, there is not much demand for surveys anymore and the $20 pay-out is quite high.

It would take a lot of surveys to earn a decent living and there are not many available.

When you sign up the questionnaire you fill out is too invasive, I feel. They want to know everything about you, married, divorced, own your own home, how many children you have, what you do for a real living, how much you earn. Information I personally don’t care to share with everyone

How You get paid by Legerweb

  1. Air miles
  2. Charity donations (Sun Youth, Canadian Cancer Charity, World Wildlife Fund)
  3. Payment with a check mailed to you
  4. Entry into Sweepstakes

Seven days for your account to get credit and 3 weeks for checks to arrive.

Is Legerweb a scam?

No It is a legit paid survey program, but the ability to earn a decent income is very low, so don’t quit your day job.

Final Verdict: Legerweb is not a good way to spend your time if you are looking to earn decent money.

I feel it’s a legitimate program, but not much call for their services at this time.

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Thanks for reading this article and if you have any questions leave them below and I will get back to you as soon as possible, Deanna


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