How To Set Up A Home Office


How To Set Up A Home Office

There is nothing like the freedom of working from home, especially if you work for yourself.

Are you tired of propping yourself up on the couch and balancing your laptop on your knees.

Having to get up all the time to get paperwork or a cup of coffee.

Maybe you have been working from home for a while and have decided it’s time to set up a home office. The question is How to set up a home office?

Where should it be?

Where do you start to set up a comfortable and efficient space for a home office?

If you have a spare room, you are in luck. If you don’t have a spare room there is always the bedroom, the living room or the basement.

The basement is less ideal because of the darkness, unless you have a lot of windows, but with the proper lighting it might be the best choice.

If you have small children, a separate area will give you a sense of privacy. For a long time I used a section of my bedroom. Fortunately I had a large bedroom at the time and my children were older.

Getting furniture

If you are on a budget, as some of us are, try the Goodwill shops, sale shops at churches, garage sales and tag sales. Sometime you can hit it right and get a good bargain.

If you are purchasing a desk, look for a desk with plenty of storage, an L shaped desk is especially useful. Right now the latest trend is towards a standing desk. It’s suppose to be better for your overall health, but I have never tried one myself.

Position the desk away from a window so you can prevent glare. Make sure you  invest in a good lamp that supplies adequate light. Either a table lamp or floor model are good choices. Some of your office supply stores have a good variety.

In my home office I have a table that I use for a desk (got it for free). It is good sized and hold a table lamp, my laptop, printer, a set of files and a few odds and ends.

Plenty of room to work comfortably, but it would be better if I had drawers and storage space to keep things neater. The less distractions you have, the more productive you will be.

My table is 30 inches wide, 30 inches tall  and 4 feet in length. My lamp is a regular table lamp that is 30 inches tall. Right now I am working on a  limited budget, but so far this works for me. Hopefully soon, I’ll be able to add some storage pieces to my office.

But overall it’s a very easy space to work in.

If you don’t have the advantage of a spare room, see if there is a corner in your living room or basement. Not ideal but it can work.

If you set-up shop in a room with no windows, or a basement, use high quality task lighting to ensure proper light.

High Tec

Don’t get too tecky. If you have the money, choose comfortable and attractive furnishings to your liking. Organize and hide all wires and cables to prevent falls.

Add items to give it a personal touch, like family pictures, or a few knickknacks.

Bring in some plants if that is something you enjoy.

Use a rug under your feet, for comfort, instead of a mat.

Office chair

This is something that you should consider carefully before you buy. A chair with arms is recommended for comfort, but if you prefer no arms, go with what seems best for you.

Make sure it is adjustable to fit your needs. Make sure you sit in it for a while to see if it works for you. It has to be comfortable for your body, as you will be in it for quite a few hours a day.


Be careful of bright colors, they may seem inviting in the beginning of the design of your office, but that can get tiresome and old.

You are much better off with plain neutral colors. Plus neutral colors are not as noticeable or distracting while you are trying to work. You will be wanting to change your color scheme if things are too bright. That will be an added cost if you have to repaint a room.

Get supplies

Even though we use modern technology in todays work environment, we still need pencils, pens, paper etc. Keep a good supply, so you are prepared for the necessary needs that might come up.

 End results

It’s amazing what a difference a properly set-up office space can add to your productivity. It will help you stay alert and think a lot better. Plus, if it is in a private, designated area, you will get far fewer interruptions and distractions.

I hope that this article has been useful to you setting up a home office and as you continue to earn more income you can upgrade as you see fit.

If you want to learn how to earn money online, check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate, thanks.


If this post was helpful to you or you have any comments, please leave a comment or question below and I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you, Deanna



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