How To Build Your Own Website Online- Very Easy

How would you like to build your own website online?

It’s really fun and quite easy to do. You just have to know where to go to get all the help you need.

Gone are the days when it would take weeks to get a website build. And if you were not knowledgeable about code, you probably had to contract it out to the tune of a few hundred dollars. That depended on how involved and detailed you wanted it.

And hopefully you found someone who was knowledgeable in designing websites. And didn’t take advantage of you.

When I had my hair salon, getting a website built was a very big deal. Not being computer savvy, I was at the mercy of anyone who wanted to build a website for me.

I was completely in the dark about how to go about it or who to hire.

In my search for a web designer I found a lot of people that called themselves web designers, but were not really that good.

After a lot of research we received prices from $200 dollars to $2,000. But we finally did get it accomplished!

Much Simpler Today

Today, it can be done fairly easy, and I’ll show you how. Plus, you will have an idea of what you will be getting. Changes in the times!

I’m dating myself, but when I had my salon, very few business had websites, now they are a necessity for any forward thinking business.

Today’s world

So, in todays world, what do you need to build a website?

First, you will need hosting. This is the place that stores your website and makes sure it performs without a hitch and is very efficient to the public.

  1. Load time and speed
  2. Must look professional
  3. Must be easy to navigate
  4. Uses a content management system
  5. Contain interesting and quality content
  6. Be informative

These are the 5 most important elements to having a successful website.

In today’s world all these steps are possible with the right help and framework.

My sites are all done with WordPress. There are many benefits to using word press:

  • Easy installation
  • No HTLM, no code,
  • Don’t need to be a computer wiz
  • Just one click


First you must register your Domain name. That is the address of your website. Compare it to an address for a house.

The address is the domain name and the home is your website.

If you are starting a business website, make your domain name the same as your business name.

What extensions should you use? Try for a .com If that’s not available or, org will work.

Next, pick your platform. No ,you don’t need to do that. It’s all done for you in this site.

Word press has a group of millions of people and developers that contribute to the site.

Incorporating Wealthy Affiliate Videos Into Your WordPress Blog Posts

Do we really need a website?

I think so. Some people think that social media sites can do the job. I prefer my own website. It can be the foundation of your future business. You can use it to blog, share special events and news and comment with others. All ways to build your very own business.

Getting back to the website

So, Kyle and Carson, the founders of Wealth Affiliate developed WordPress Express. They are the creators of Wealthy Affiliate.

WordPress Express is tec free and very easy to use. All in less than  30 seconds.

Nothing complicated involved and I’m going to show you how to use it right now and it’s FREE!

Just click on the video above and follow the instructions.

You will soon have your own website to use as you see fit. Great information if you want to start your own business. In fact, I think it’s a necessity in today’s world.

If you are interested in earning money from home, check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate. This membership has everything you need to get up and running . Soon, you will have your very own business!

So, good luck and congratulations! Hopefully this is a start of a whole new world for you. Starting a business and being successful.

Nothing beat being in control of your own future. And it can be done from the comfort of your home.

If you have and questions or comments , please feel free to let me know. and thanks for reading my post, Deanna

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