Have You Tried Making Money Online?

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Have you tried making money online?

I’m sure you have all seen the ads all over the internet about how easy it is to make money online. If you have tried making money online, you have learned it’s not as easy as the “gurus” want you to think.

Just push a couple of buttons and starting earning $1,000 to $5000 a day with no work involved. If that were only the case the whole world would be rich.

Just sign up with your credit card and you are all set. Well, the only one getting rich is the one promoting that product.

This article will explain the real way to make money from home and not sugar coat it.

There is no “get rich quick scheme”. Ask me, I checked out a lot of different products and have yet to find one that is that simple.

As with anything in life (unless you are born into a rich family) you have to earn it. It does not come easy.


So, if you are being swayed by the “Gurus” promising you the mansions, the fast cars and speedy boats take heed. So many people have been taken in by this line of thinking, it’s sad. Don’t let that happen to you.

They promise you more money than you ever dreamed possible, but it’s just not that easy. Not like they would have you believe. It does entail work, mostly writing articles, bur if you find a good program, they will lead you by the hand to help get you up and running.

Yes, some people earn money faster than others, depending on the niche they are  in and how lucky they are. And, also how much time they can devote to it. But others never earn a penny and give up. I can understand why. It’s not that 1-2-3.

One of my  biggest problems was jumping around a lot. I started a weight loss site, and then switched to a affiliate marketing site, and then I got impatient with that and started a cookware site. Tried them all and did not get successful until I concentrated on just ONE. Got that up and running, (meaning I wrote the articles), developed my website and then started to see progress. It took time writing many articles and reviews. But it was worth it.

If a company tells you that you don’t need a website, don’t believe them. In order for you to build a real business you do need a website. And lets face it, if you are going to do all this work, you want it to be yours, right.

It’s the foundation of your business. Go here to see how easy it is to build a website.

And for most people building a website is not easy. You need to go to wordpress and build one there or use the training I recommend, which makes it so easy.

After you build your website you need to add content

Adding content is very important. You should add an article or review every day in the beginning to give your site credibility.

After you have a good foundation of post and pages you can slow down a little, but it’s important to keep your site current. Google looks at that very closely. You can use written content, videos, images to give it more interest.

Now Traffic 

How to get traffic? That was one of the hardest things for me to understand when I first started out.

You can get traffic from writing plenty of quality content, making video, audios, paid traffic. All these things will help you get traffic.

Making money

There are many ways to make money on line, in fact 100’s of ways. But you only need a few to start earning money.

sign for marketingThe first way I learned how to make money was with Affiliate marketing. You write articles on your site with links to the product being sold on Amazon, Clickbank or one of the many other affiliate networks.

Another is using Google AdSense.

Also, you can create your own product and sell it.

Clickbank even has a University now to teach you affiliate marketing.

That’s a few ways, but there are so many more.

Don’t be afraid to jump in and test the waters.

The best advice I can give you!

Look into Wealthy Affiliate. It is probably the most honest and no nonsense way to get started in online work.   It will take you by the hand and if you follow all the lessons and do what’s required, you WILL see success. But, it’s not quick. And, you can’t get discouraged.

Much depends on how much time you can devote to writing content and completing the lessons. . It will take you by the hand and if you follow all the lessons and do what’s required you will see success. But, it’s not quick, make big money in a few weeks, like the Gurus promise. It might take a year. But, it will be well worth it, you will have your very own business to be very proud of.

It does require work and dedication. It does not come easy, but nothing worth having does.

It’s too bad there are so many scams out there, giving people false promises about earning money. They con people into thinking it is simple and there is no work involved, which is not true.  You need to look at an honest program and be ready to work for quite a while. But, it is worth it, ask many of the members at Wealthy Affiliate and they will tell you the same thing.

Plus, all the members that are making a good living will be more than happy to answer any questions for you and guide you in the right direction.

There are MILLIONS of knowledgeable members willing to help you out in the WA community to get your business up and earning money for you. Most of them are seasoned marketers that earn good money by  following this program.

My suggestion to you is take a look at Wealthy Affiliate, a really honest program. No bs.
It’s a good business model, especially for beginners. It’s very user-friendly and even if you are not a computer whiz it’s fairly easy to learn. I’m in that category, but I have learned so much it’s amazing.

Plus, the earning potential is there, you just have to put in the proper training.
I have been using this training for a couple of years now and I’m so glad I found it.
It will teach you every thing you need to know and if you have any questions, someone is always available with an answer for you.

2 Million Members
There are over 2 Million member, and most are very knowledgeable and willing to give you a helping hand.
How would it feel to do something once and get paid over and over again! That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing.
Once you have completed all the training and have you site established, you will generate income for years to come.
And, then just rinse and repeat with another site.
And the best thing is it’s 100% free to get started, no credit card needed. Click here.

Not a get-rich-program

It’s not a get-rich-quick program and you will have to be patient and discipline yourself to spending the time writing a lot of articles, rather than watching a ballgame or movie on TV.
But the rewards will be worth it.
If you are serious about online marketing, the best system to follow is Wealthy Affiliate. Just read my review here and you will be convinced it’s the best place to be. Plus it’s free to get started. No credit card needed! Wealthy Affiliate has so much to offer, just check it out.

Check out my review post on Wealthy Affiliate and you will be glad you did.

Is Pink Zebra An MLM? My Review


If you have any comments or questions I would love to hear from you below. I will get back to you as soon as possible, and thanks for reading, Deanna

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2 thoughts on “Have You Tried Making Money Online?”

  1. Haha thanks for the article my guy! I actually found this post really helpful. Yes, I myself have tried and looked through so many different methods of making money online, and honestly, it’s so sad seeing just how many scams there are out there. It’s so disheartening and almost makes you feel like making money online is impossible. But, thankfully, I’ve found the best method to make money online and am using it as we speak! 

    • Thanks for the comments. Yes there are way too many scams on the internet. Just have to be careful that we don’t fall for the smooth talk and promises, thanks again, Deanna


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