Freedom Shortcut Review – A Scam?

moneyFreedom Shortcut Review

Many internet users today are looking for easy and fast ways of making money online. A product such as Freedom Shortcut could be what so many people are looking for.

The Freedom Shortcut is an online program that offers training, guides, and marketing tools that allows you to make money online.

In this review I will give you the good points and the troubling points of this program. So, lets get started…

There are numerous products on the internet today that claim to give people shortcuts to financial freedom using the internet. Let’s take a closer look at Freedom Shortcut, how it works, and if it is what they say or is it just another scam.

First, I want to tell you, good for you for checking out products before purchasing them. It is smart to do your due diligence.

Owner: Jeff Lernerpyramid of affiliate marketing


Price: $39.00 with thousands in up sells.

Type of product: Affiliate Marketing

Who is it for: Beginners in Affiliate marketing

1. What is the Freedom Shortcut About

The Freedom Shortcut is a program that was created by the owner Jeff Lerner. It is a sales funnel that gives people training on affiliate marketing. The program consists of 6 steps to Freedom.

To become a member, you will be required to pay $49. This amount includes;

  • The 6 steps to freedom guide
  • One on one business coach
  • Enjoy a private community
  • Support
  • After paying this amount, the program will allow you to begin your training. The training consists of a coach that convinces you to buy different expensive products that amount to thousands of dollars. That’s what are called up sells.

Additionally, during the training, the coach will explain to you how they have earned thousands from the system, and by following their step by step guide, you will become rich just like them.

The high prices are charged to enable the affiliate who referred you to the system to get high commissions. In return, after the training, you will be able to promote the same program and also enjoy high commissions. Sounds a little shaky to me and unethical.

1. Introductory

In the introductory video to this program, the narrator mentions that you will not be required to use a lot of money and time in the system.

However, once you join, you will find that you need to spend lots of money. The $49 is a joining fee, and there are thousands of dollars in up sells for you to buy. This means that to qualify for commissions, you must buy the up sells.

If you fail to buy the up sells, you will not get commissions since you will not have anything to promote to others. Once you are half-way into the training, you will need to upgrade to other levels.

At this point you should contact the coach to upgrade you further. More up sells.

The Freedom Shortcut is about making huge amounts of money from the up sells, and they train you to do the same. With the training, you will be able to promote their product.

All they are teaching is how to promote Freedom Shortcut. There is nothing in this program that will help you build a real business, just how to promote this program.

Therefore, they make money every time someone opts into their program and also when that individual sells the products.

2. How Does Freedom Shortcut Work

As mentioned earlier, the program is more of a sales funnel for a high- priced ticket program. Once you buy the program, you will have access to the Lerner’s six stages of freedom.

But before you are taught how to make money online, you should talk first to the coach. The coach acts as a sales representative who convinces you to buy the different products and resell them to other people who also want to make money online. He is not really a coach, but a high-pressured salesman, to get you on board. Not very legitimate.

Here is a guide of the system

  • Join the program by paying $49
  • Get immediate access to the 6 stages of freedom.
  • Talk to a coach on how to become rich quickly.
  • Buy different high ticket products.
  • Recruit more people into the program and sell them the tickets.
  • Earn commissions through the sales you have made.

The high ticket products include digital marketing information. Supposedly this information is worth thousands, and you will be required to buy in order to make high commissions.

They are available in several packages, whereby you can start with the lowest and advance up. They cost from 4 to 5 figures and whatever you buy is what you earn from. Therefore, most people will go for the highest ticket packages to make big commissions.

3. How Hard or Easy is the Freedom Shortcut?

At the start, it seems easy and straightforward. The truth is that Freedom Shortcut takes time, effort, and a lot of investment to make money and get a passive income.

The hardest part of this system comes when you need to recruit people. It can be quite difficult to convince other people to join and pay. It’s hard to get people to part with their hard-earned money, for something they are unfamiliar with. For you to recruit massively, you will need to advertise to get more people to see your page either through SEO, Social Media, etc. to generate traffic.

This requires a huge budget for paid traffic.

If you do not advertise, many people will not see your page; hence you will have fewer leads and little or no commission.

4. What Happens When Freedom Shortcut Shuts Down?

If the owner shuts the system down, your entire investment will be lost. This is because you do not own anything in the system, and only the owner has full rights on the program.

5. Is the Freedom Shortcut a Scam?

On one hand, the system is not a scam since you get training after paying the first $49. But on the other hand, Freedom Shortcut has all the features of a scam. So either way, it is not recommendable to join the program.

The program is quite highly controversial due to many reasons. First, most people think that $49 is the only amount they need to pay. However, this is not even close to what you will be required to pay as you progress through their steps.

Second, a lot of people who join the program think that since the program costs a lot of money, they will also make a lot of money in return. The fact is that the majority of people who join this program end up earning very little as they are not able to recruit more people. And if the people that you recruit get ahead of you, you will not get their commission.

Moreover, you do not get training on affiliate marketing, as they say. The owner only tries to convince you to spend lots of money to get rich quickly.

The only good feature of this program is the money-back guarantee for the first product. Before you get your money back, you will need to prove that you have not achieved any results despite following the guidelines of the owner. So if you join the program, keep good records, so you can get a refund if necessary. And check out time limitations for returns.

If you are looking for the best training available, here is my #1 recommendation for making money online.


There are not any shortcuts to learning Affiliate Marketing or the make money online.

You will have to work and work hard, but the rewards will be worth it.

These pie in the sky programs are just that. Pie in the sky. The only one making any money are the unethical promoters of this type of program.

There isn’t any way to get-rich-quick with these scams. That’s what they are. SCAMS!scam sign

Want to know the best and honest way to make a real living online? Check out my review. I won’t lie to you. It does take time and a little money, but it will change your life.

You can start the program for free, no credit card needed.

Thanks for reading this review and best of luck to you.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks,  Deanna

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4 thoughts on “Freedom Shortcut Review – A Scam?”

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  2. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I am sure the information in this post will be of great help to anyone who come across it. I will give this a try since the price is fair enough for me, I just hope it gives answers to the recent problem I’m going through as a newbie in affiliate marketing.

    Thanks for sharing this with me!


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