Earn Extra Income in Retirement

Earn Extra Money in Retirement,

This article will show you how.

Money, Money, Money

Worried about the money situation  when you retire or are you retired and realize you could use some extra cash to get through each month. This article will show you how to earn extra income in retirement.money
You can do many different things to supplement your income in retirement like being a handy person, a dog walker, school bus driver, part-time clerk, house sitter, school crossing guard. Just to name a few.

The list goes on and on.
But are you healthy enough to leave your home or are you a caretaker for a spouse or other family member?
Thanks to the internet, things have changed.

Today you can work from the comforts of your own home with very little start-up costs and a small amount of knowledge.
There are many different ways to do this, but I’m going to show you one of the easiest and best ways that I have found.
What I’m going to share with you is “affiliate marketing ” as a way to earn money from the comfort of your own home.

Affiliate Marketing

First you will need some basic computer skills, which you probably already have if you are reading this article.
Now, I would like to explain to you what “affiliate marketing” is.

You recommend products to your audience and if they buy something, say a piece of exercise equipment, you will get a commission.

The very first step is to decide what you want to promote. You will be writing articles about this, so make it something that you enjoy talking about, are knowledge about and will be able to write articles about.

It could be about animals, like dog training, horses, or cats. Or if you are into sports there is plenty of possibilities’ in that category. There’s golf, skiing, basketball, little league baseball, the list is endless. Do you like to garden or knit?

This is called a niche.

Start thinking about a domain name. You will need a domain name and a website to get started.

Then you have to sign up as an affiliate, say with Amazon. Amazon wants to know that you have a website for them to accept you into their Amazon program.

That’s a good place to start. Easy to get started and simple to use.

By putting links in your website referring to a certain items, someone can get to that item on Amazon and decide if they want to purchase it.

No cost to you.

But you will get a commission on anything they buy in that 24 hour period.chart of WA
So let’s go through the process.
You will need a base or foundation to get started the right way.

Your very own website

Your website is your foundation. You must have a website.

It’s your foundation so you can build a good, strong, substantial business.

Without a website you will flounder.
Today websites are very easy to obtain. You don’t have to pay outrageous fees to get one build for you.

It’s easy to have one up and running in under 15 minutes. So don’t let website building scare you, there is nothing to it.

If I can build one, anyone can. Here’s how…
Content is a very important step
Now that you have your site set up, you need to put information on it.

Content will help you connect with your audience. You definitely need plenty of content to connect with people.
And people are reading your articles which will make your website successful. If they see an item they like and use your site to get to Amazon and buy it, you will get a commission.

But content does not have to be all written words and articles. But you will have to learn about keywords and keyword research, and Wealthy Affiliate has the best tool for that. Called Jaaxy.

It can be audio, videos, and comments.
Make sure you build quality content because the object of your website is to inform and help people, first and foremost.
What about traffic ?

What is the main way to get traffic?
What is traffic and how do you get it.

SEO is search engine optimization and that’s how you get that free traffic
from Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Content, content, and more content. Content is one of the best ways to get traffic for free.

PPC (pay-per-click) or placing ads on your site, this is a paid way for getting traffic.

Getting to the nitty-gritty, why we are here.

There are many different ways to earn money with your website.
Placing ad on your website (Google AdSense)

Selling affiliate products
Selling products from Amazon or Ebay
That’s just a few of the ways you can profit.
I’ll take the fear and uncertainty out of this process for you. Just check out my article Wealthy Affiliate Review.

This program has every thing you need to get started and help you run a successful, moneymaking business, no matter what your situation is. And it won’t break the bank to join. You can join for free and see if it’s something that interests you.

There’s so much, it’s almost hard to tell you everything. Free websites, free keyword tool, lesson by lesson training, video training, a caring community ready to give you a hand by answering any questions, no matter how simple or involved.

A great support system, Oh, did I mention over 2 million members, that’s right over 2 million members in this great community.

You join for free, that’s right FREE. Go in and check it out, look around and see if it’s something that would interest you. If you could use extra cash, you have nothing to lose by checking this program out.

Let me take you by the hand and lead you to the easiest and most comprehensive training I have found.toilet paper money

This program will get you on your way to earning much need extra money. Click here to join.
My name is Deanna and I will be more than willing to help, just leave a comment below, Thanks.





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