Retirement Work Opportunities in 2019 -5 Ways To Earn Online

pyramid of affiliate marketingAre you near or considering retirement? Are you afraid you will not have enough income to live the way you want? Well, now there are many retirement work opportunities available that weren’t around years ago.

Or are you bored and looking for something to keep your mind active? Well you can do that and earn some money besides.

Thanks to the internet there are plenty of jobs opportunities that have been created. And the best part is you don’t need a lot of extra cash to get started.

Here are 5 of the more popular ones:

  1. Blogging.
  2. Creative Writing.
  3. Etsy.
  4. Affiliate Marketing
  5. Ebay and Amazon


Blogging has gotten very popular in the last few years. But in years past it was very expensive to get a website created. Not today, there are many inexpensive ways to get a website up and running.

You can start your own website or business on-line with very little experience or training.

The word press platform or (content management system) has made setting up and running a blog super simple today.  Go to Google and you can find many sites to help you. If you have a hobby or are passionate about something, write about that and inform others interested readers. If you like to cook you may have heard of the Pioneer Woman, she has a blog that is very successful.

Creative Writing

Content is King

If you are good at writing articles, you can write for other people. People will pay money if you can write creative and interesting articles, but make them at least 1,000 words to be credible.

Today so many people use the internet for work there is a great demand for people to create content that they can use on their websites.

You could sign up to a free lance writing service, find what you like to write about, create articles and get paid for all your articles. Check out Fivver for more information on this.

Affiliate Marketing

Where do I start? I love affiliate marketing. You can make a little or a lot of money, it just depends how much time you want to devote to it.

It’s very similar to blogging in that you create articles about something that interest you and you want to share that information with others that have similar interests.

It’s an inexpensive way to build your own business with very little money out of pocket. Basically you promote a product or products  on your website, place a link to Amazon or another affiliate and receive a commission,  if the person buys through your website.


Find something that interest you and start a website, write articles that are helpful to others and as you grow you will earn income.

If this sounds like something that interest you, you can get more information in  my review of Wealthy Affiliate and there is an in-depth article about the simplest way to get started. There is no cost to check out Wealthy Affiliate. No credit card for the starter course.

Probably the easiest way to get started is to become an Amazon Associate.  And there many other affiliate programs to work with like Clickbank which is mostly all digital products to promote. But first check out my in-depth review of Wealthy  Affiliate.

Ebay and Amazon you will be glad you did.

These are websites where you can sell your own products. Clean out your basement and garage and offer the different items online. If you like going to garage sales and flea markets, look at what items you think will be interesting to someone, remember “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”. You will be surprised at what is appealing to some people.

You will have to contact E bay and Amazon to see what their terms and rules are and how you get started.


This is another site where you can post items to sell. Consists mostly of hand-make items, clothing, vintage items, baby clothes, paintings, or anything original.

The internet is a great way to make extra income. You can devote as little or as much time as you want to pursue this avenue to making extra cash. Plus it’s fun.

I’m retired and I spend about 5-6 hours a day some days. Then there are days when I only spend a couple of hours, if that, because of family commitments and day to day chores.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you everything you need to know about how to earn extra money with affiliate marketing.

So check out this review of Wealthy Affiliate and if you have any questions, contact me and I will help you.

If this article has been helpful to you, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks, Deanna

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