Pure Leverage – My Honest Review

Name: Pure Leverage

Website: www.pureleverage.com

Price: $24.95 per month

Owners: Joel Therien

Overall Rank: 2 out of 10


Unfortunately, I don’t have much good to say about this product. It is fairly inexpensive to purchase, but from what I see it is just another MLM (pyramid) program that promises to make you money with very little work on your part.

What it provides is marketing tools which you can use yourself and also resell for a commission.red flag

                                                                                                              Training and tools

The tools consist of:

Your own website, a program that helps you build your own website and hosting, with a large choice of themes.

I can help you with that for free.

Auto-responder: A system to let you send messages to your subscriber’s email list. But unfortunately the emails are going to a spam folder, which is not very helpful.

Lead-capture page system: Incorpates a link for clients to submit a name and email address.

Video e-mail service: Personally I don’t think anyone needs to pay for something this simple.


All necessary tools for an on-line business. Most of the same tools can be found on-line for free or for a cheaper price.

If you have an on-line business you could possibly use them, but if you are new and  just getting started you would not even know what to do with them.

But they stress anyone can earn money with this program by promoting this as an affiliate marketer and receive commissions.

Pure Leverage is under the umbrella company GVO (Global Venture Opportunities) which provides the marketing tools.

                                                                                                                   The Good & the Bad


A guide is provided for training.

It’s very inexpensive to purchase.


Even though they claim to give out commissions, in the fine print it says it’s limited and only for top level members.

Some of the features they highlight are not available, leading me to believe it’s not legit.

All the guidelines are very vague and unclear.

There is not a real product to promote, so a beginner would not know how to take advantage of the program.

Your training is creating blog posts to encourage people to join by dazzling the readers with promises of large sums of money, fancy cars, boats and mansions. The shiny object syndrome for sure. Don’t fall for it.

                                                                                                     Who is: Pure Leverage For?

It’s intended to be used by any online marketer.

No benefit to the buyer.

It’s only for many trying to sell a business without any real creditability.

You will have to be a good sales person so you can get others to join under you. So in a way it’s a multi-level marketing business. Which I am not a fan of.

The product you sell is the program or product itself.

It’s geared more to someone with an established business who need the tools. The best way for a beginner to use this program is by promoting it through affiliate marketing.

But to do that you must upgrade with them for an additional $19.95/ month.

Yes, you  can make money, but it is a legit program.

Pure Leverage is associated with Global Venture Opportunities, a parent company launched in  1999 and their business is mostly related to autoresponders and hosting services.

Or you can opt-in for the VIP training for only $97.00/ month.

Are you sick of all the scams? Here is my favorite and honest program for building an affiliate business.

Pure Leverage Support:

Their live meeting room is just another form of trying to sell the product. and just forget about support. Very augrumentive with no help what so ever.

Very little support, and a 48 hour wait. Not always the most pleasant reception when you do get in touch with someone.

Final Opinion:

Not a very reliable product, just another pyramid scheme. I would stay away from this one.

VERDICT: Definitely a scam. Don’t waste your money or your time.toilet paper money

Want the right way to earn money online, no gimmicks.


Are you familiar with Pure Leverage? Would love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments.

Have you tried this program? I would love your thoughts on this.

If you really want to earn money online, than this is the best way to do it. Join Wealthy Affiliate, it’s free to join and you can stay a free member as long as you want.

You take the training, set-up a website, pick a niche and get started the right and honest way. Read my review of Wealthy Affiliate and they will take you by the hand and get you going on the road to earning money. Very honest and not a scam. Make a good living from home and you work at your own pace. This training has over 2 million members so they must be doing something right.

Work from home. No childcare, no commuting to a job that you are not happy with and you are your own boss.

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks, Deannawa logo




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