How To Make Money Fast With Clickbank

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Have you ever heard of Clickbank? Well, if you are in the affiliate marketing world, I’m

sure you have. It’s one of the first programs you hear about when you start looking into how to do affiliate marketing.

Clickbank is an affiliate marketing place to find  different digital products to promote and sell in all types of niches.

You name it and Clickbank has it in the digital world.

Most people entering the affiliate marketing world start with Clickbank, because it’s easy to get started with and very easy to sign up for.

There is very little paperwork and most everyone is accepted.

You don’t have to give away your first born to become a member, like some programs.

Plus, it is one of the easiest and most popular programs around.

Requires very little red tape and has easy to follow directions.

The best way to get started with ClickBank is not to use the one and done method.

By selecting a ClickBank product in your Niche, then sending traffic to your site and hope for a sale. Usually, that customer is a one-time buyer and then they are gone forever. You need to realize that our business needs repeat customers and not just one-time purchases.

It’s not a get-rich-quick method by clicking a few buttons and cashing in.

You can earn a nice income with this type of work but understand it is not click a couple of buttons and watch the money roll in like the “Gurus” promise.

But there is much to learn and this article is about ClickBank and how to earn money using it.

Why is ClickBank so good to start with if you are a beginner?

First, it is quite easy to understand and follow.

For a beginner that increases your chances for success.

ClickBank has millions of products from every niche imaginable.

Another point is that it has a very high rate of commission usually between 50 and 95%.

All the products on ClickBank are digital, ebooks, or software.

But, you will need a very specific website to promote your products.

You can’t have your website just promote a very broad term. It has to be very specific. Take dieting, it can’t just be lose weight or diet.

It should be something like lose weight by juice fasting or lose weight by following the keto diet. Something very specific.

Getting started with ClickBank.

It’s quite easy to become a clickbank affiliate, but first of all, you need a website. Start your website by picking a domain name.

Most people pick a domain name referring to a niche they want to promote.

That can be helpful, but not necessary.

I have a diet website that is called weight loss by fasting.

I have many articles about how to lose weight with different methods of fasting like juice fasting, intermittent fasting and different products and diets featured on Clickbank to help obtain good results in the weight loss field.

After you pick a niche, then you should pick a domain that reflects that niche.

After you get your website set up through WordPress you are ready to get enrolled in Clickbank.

If you need help to set up a website, check out Wealthy Affiliate. You can get a website set there as easy as 1-2-3!

But, getting back to Clickbank.

First, you need to create an account with ClickBank.

Step 1. Go to and click on the link on the top right that says ” create account”.

Fill out all the needed information and submit an account to registration.copy of click accoubt info

Step 2. Find a product to promote and get your ClickBank affiliate link.

How to decide what ClickBank product to promote.

First go to Marketplace and select the category that is best related to the niche you are interested in.

Like diet or make money online, those are 2 that I use. Diet would be in the health category and you would select E-Business or e-marketing category for make money on line category.

Then, sort the products by how popular it is. Check gravity. That is a metric that tells you if and how many other Affiliates have made at least one sale with that product In the last 8 weeks.clickbank

If the gravity is high that is an indication that there is more competition but also, that it is a popular product.

One other metric to check out is initial dollar sales. Look for the lower price as people are more willing to purchase a lower price product as opposed to a costly one.

Once you have decided on a product you think is good,  add your nickname and click the “promote button”. That is your affiliate button and you can add it to your website in appropriate places in your website. Go to the affiliate page on the product you want to promote and you will find literature, banners coupons etc. to help you in the promotion of your product. It’s a good idea to use these as they are good items for selling the product. Many products have coupons which is a great selling point.

If a person clicks on that link, the customer will be directed to a sales page from the product developer and if they buy the product, you will receive a commission from Clickbank.

Also, go on forums to help promote the product. There is lots of information if you Google it to show you how to get started using forums.

Plus, you can also use paid traffic like Facebook ads, solo ads and media buys.

Good luck on your affiliate marketing journey. It can be very rewarding, but also can be very challenging. So, don’t get discouraged and make some money. There is plenty of help on the internet and all you have to do is look for it. The place I find most helpful is Wealthy Affiliate. Their training is the best and most detailed I have seen. Just follow along with the lessons and you are well on your way to making a good income.

You can check it out here.

Hope this helps  to give you an insight of how Clickbank works and if you have any questions let me know I will be glad to help, Deanna.  Also, Clickbank has very detailed training to help you get set up quickly.


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