Passive Income for Seniors-Could You Benefit?

Thanks to the internet, seniors can earn passive income from the comforts of their own home.

You don’t have to get dressed, drive a car, you can work from your own home in your pajamas and still earn a great income.

So I will explain to you, how to earn passive income for seniors, if you are a senior or close to retiring.

So are you familiar with internet marketing?

If not, I’m going to give you a little rundown on what to expect.

Internet marketing is the ability to sell products thru a blog or website. Your website will have a link which will connect to Amazon or Walmart or most of the big companies out there, even Weight Watchers. You can put links in your articles for any product for sale. When someone clicks on your own personal link and buys an article through  your blog or website,  you will earn a commission.That’s a simpflied version of what is involved, but it gives you an idea of how you get started.

First you need to find something that interests you like dogs, golfing, gardening, camping, almost any topic will work. Food blogging is very lucrative and something most of us like to do. For instance.  if you start a food blog and  write an article about how to make your spcial recipe for pasta and how your pasta is different and the recipe has been in your family forever.

Tell your audience that you used a certain pan that is available on Amazon. Then put a link on your site going to Amazon for that pan.  If someone buys it through your link you will earn a commission.  That is just a very basic description of how affiliate  marketing works.

Or if you are in love with a certain breed of dog. Recommending products that are needed for someone’s pet, like dog dishes, grooming tools, etc. Get the idea. There is a host of products available in any niche that you may start a blog about.

It’s a little more complicated then that, but very interesting. You can earn a nice income without having to leave your home. So please take the time to look at the information I’m going to share with you and I’m sure you will be glad you did.

You can get started absolutely free and learn at your own pace, depending on how much time you can devote to it. It’s a fun way to help you reach an excellent income. But, a word of warning, it’s not a quick process. It takes time and a lot of writing content. But it’s fun. If you have extra time, it’s a good way to earn some extra money.

When you first start out it might seem a little overwhelming, but just follow the step-by-step training and don’t deviate. That was one of the mistakes that I made when I first started.. I was trying to do too many different sites at once. All you need is one site to make a good income, but you do need to devote quite a bit of time to it, especially in the beginning. You won’t see money right away, you have to get established first.

It’s very interesting and better than just sitting and watching TV all day . It keeps your mind active and also keeps your bank account active. So here are some of the steps that I recommend you do.

Are you well versed in using a computer?

You will need some computer skills, but even a  beginner or newbie can benefit from this information.If you are not well versed in computers you can still learn. I certainly wasn’t, but I have learned a lot and you can too. Just be open to learning and don’t think, “I can’t do this”.

You don’t have to be an expert if you follow the right training. There is plenty of held available online or even at your senior center. I know because when I started my internet marketing business I didn’t even know how to copy and paste. The training I’m about to recommend teachs you everything you will need to  help you get started with very little out-of-pocket cost and volumes and volumes of help and training at your fingertips.

Are you good at writing?

That is a big asset, having  writing skills about different subjects is the key to being successful. Even if you are not really good at writng as you  progress your  skills will improve. I know mine did.

Don’t let lack of writing skills scare you away, as you write more and more, your skills will improve and you will be amazed at what a great writer you will become, plus, there are all kinds of aids to help you in your writing skills. You can use Dragon Speaking  where you just speak into a microphone, using Google Docs or you can hire people to write for you.

This training I’m going to offer to you is probably the best training in the industry. It is not a scam, but, an honest and true training program to help you get up and running. But it does take work.  It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme so if you’re interested read on.

Probably this is 1 of the best trainings for earning money at home. This training will give you all the information and guidance to help you be successful and to earn much needed extra money.

How important is it for you to earn extra money.?

Do you need additional income? Most of us retired folks could use extra income. There are so many additional bills that we were not prepared for before retirement that it can be overwhelming.  Between increased cost of living expenses, additional medical bills and medicines it can really take a toll on our budget. Plus the cost of everything keeps going up, so I’m here to give you a solution to your problems.

If it’s important to make your life easier. Than keep reading. I will share with you all that I have learned in this new program.

Lets start a blog!scrabble tiles spelling blog

Do you know anyting about starting a blog? If not, this program will take you by the hand and teach you step by step how to get started. and the best part is it’s free..No credit card needed.

So come with me over to Wealthy Affiliate and join for free. It’s an amazing program and you will learn so much,  it will put you on the road to financial Independence once and for all.

I know I worked hard all my life but I never became a millionaire. Most hairdressers don’t. I have a little bit in retirement, but not a lot and the added income from Wealthy Affiliate has helped me immensely. Click on this link to see what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.

You can buy an abandoned blog on Flippa or you can start your own blog on WA . Buying a website on Flippa would be a little more expensive than starting your own.

if you’re interested in purchasing an abandoned blog that is a good way to go. But you do need some cash or a credit card to get started.

Thousands of blogs are made available that have been in abandon by their owners each year. This would be a perfect way to get started. You can buy a blog in a niche that has information that is interesting to you. You will be ahead of the game.

Just make sure it’s a subject that you’re familiar with and can add valuable content to and is interesting to write about.

I am not as familiar with that approach so I won’t go into a lot of detail. I’m sure you can find plenty of information about it on the internet.

If you want to consider Flippa, a site that sells abandoned web sites and for whatever reason they are in the website graveyard. It has over 1m sites for sale now, Some small sites to some large sites that make millions. They also have a bidding system to protect your money.

Personally, I recommend getting started with Wealthy Affiliate, It’s all your own and you will learn all the important steps right from square 1.

So if you would like to start your own website or blog you have come to the right place. I will guide you and show you where to get started. Wealthy Affiliate will take you from A to Z.

Just some added information:

I know of a cooking .blog that makes over 3 million dollars a year!  Wouldn’t that be great. But be careful when researching, don’t fall for all those get rich quick scheme. If it ‘s too good to be true, it probably is. Sometimes called the “shiny object syndrome”.

And you only need 1 blog to be very successful. In fact you’re better off with just one blog when getting started. I know I have tried to juggle two or three different blogs and it’s much too difficult. You can’t give enough time to any one of them. So, none of them succeed.

Find a subject that you have interest in such as golf, skiing, crocheting, knitting, gardening. The list is endless. Find something that you like to write about because you will be writing a lot.

That is the site that I use to create income online. And if you are completely new to  affiliate marketing using WA training will get you knowledgeable as to what works and what doesn’t.

Wealthy Affiliate will take you from start to finish. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. There is work involved, but they will lead you by the hand every step of the way to help you earn an income There is no cost to get started  and the training is excellent. There are over 2MILLION active members willing to help you with any problem or question you may have. And all the members care about your success.

Even if you are a newbie you can earn money with this system. It can work for you, I know. I knew very little about computers when I started. but there is work involved and you have to be determined to stick with it to earn a living. You will have ups and downs while learning but it’s very possible to earn an excellent living doing affiliate marketing without leaving the comforts of your home.

With this program you can start for free and then as you learn you can join their premium program.

But, first get your feet wet and see what it has to offer before you invest anything and the upgrade cost are minimal.

So,  checkout Wealthy Affiliate and see if this will help you get out of your financial dilemma and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. I’m here to help you on your way to financial freedom. Wealthy Affiliate free to start.

Thank you for your time and hopefully I’ll see you on the inside,  Deanna

super successful

8 thoughts on “Passive Income for Seniors-Could You Benefit?”

  1. I am nowhere near being a senior yet but I know the importance of passive income. It is better to start now and let it compound. I started my blogging journey as well, did not make any money (now I do). Can’t complain because I started without the knowledge, I just start writing about what I wanted with no plans. My thoughts were everywhere and I had no strategy. That was when I decided that I need some training in order to make some money on my site. Thank god that I found Wealthy Affiliate. I training has taught me all the basics and taught me to write about what my audience wants to read not what I want to write, simple but true. Give it a try, it is free to join and you will fall in love with WA like I am.

    • Hi Nuttanee, Thanks for your comments. Yes, it’s never to early to plan for retirement. And Yes I agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn all the ins and outs of affiliate marketing., Thanks again, Deanna

  2. Hi there, Patches Roland here , after reading your site I found that at times I would have liked you to explain further. You seem to go into a portion of information but kind of drop it going from hot to cold. I would really like to see you dive into some things. Explain maybe a little better. All in all it was an educational read would just love to see you expand a little more. You are good with words and structuring your sentences so that’s not what I’m saying, just expand on your ideas. I believe in making the reader want more, but  then sick it to em in the end. Thanks for the read. Keep up the fantastic work. 

    • Hi, Thanks for the insightful comments. I will certainly be aware of that problem in my future writings. Something I was not aware of doing. Deanna

  3. Passive income. Lucrative business. These are terms we frequently see whenever we talk about online business. As easy as it sounds, the process of building it entails a lot of effort, maximum mental pain tolerance if you will. 

    Now, the question is that seniors could do the same? Yes, of course. There’s no such thing as impossible, my friends. 

    Passive income doesn’t exclude by means of discriminating standards (race, background, income, etc.) it’s really not. It’s a matter of right mindset and winning attitude to build it successfully. Your content has all the ingredients needed for those who wish to learn the basics of it. 

    For that, I commend you for the job well done. Kudos. 

    • Thank you for your comments. Yes we can all be successful in affiliate marketing with the right attitude and not being afraid to work hard, ask questions when needed and not get discouraged when you run into a problem. Thanks for sharing, Deanna

  4. Hi Deanna,

    Thanks for your important and interesting post. I am a premium member of wealthy affiliate marketing. I have just got some trainings on it. I enjoyed your post because my father is a senior and close to retiring. But he wanted to support our family till his end. I am very thankful to see your post. I believe that it will help my father. Also I am going to get to know about this slowly. Is my father perfect for WA platform? 

    I will share your post to others. It will help many needing people. Thanks again 🙃

    • Thanks.for the comments. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. About your father, if he is in pretty good health and open to learning, he should be a good candidate. It might take more time but I’m sure he can be successful. Glad you liked my post, Deanna 


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